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The soft blankets were over me. They felt so warm and comforting. I never felt covers like this before.

I never felt covers like this before!

They were not my covers.

My eyes opened to see that I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. I sat up and flinched at the headache I was having. I felt fuzzy and woozy. I had little to no energy.

I heard breathing.

I turned to see Rohan who was sleeping over the covers on his stomach. He was snoring softly. He was shirtless.

I quietly gasped. It felt illegal to see him without a shirt.

I pulled the covers over my head. I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. Everything was where it was supposed to be.

When I pulled my head from under the covers, I found Rohan's eyes opened and staring at me.

Rohan asked, "How are you doing?"

I opened my mouth to talk, but I felt dizzy and any sound I made was too much noise. I closed my eyes tightly and resisted the urge to groan.

The bed creaked and shook. Two palms were placed on my cheeks. Then I something soft and warm pressed on my forehead. The feeling was comforting. He kissed my forehead.

"Let me get you some water," he whispered. He was about to get up, but I grabbed his hands to keep them in place.

I didn't want the warmth to go away.

He said, "You need water after that carelessness from yesterday."

I whispered, "Shut up, you arrogant jerk." I opened my eyes to see Rohan rollng his eyes.

"Okay. Fine," he said.

Then the doorbell rung. The sound shook my brain painfully. I placed the covers over my head enough to pout at him.

I groaned, "No fair."

Rohan said, "I can just pretend I'm not here. I do that most of the time."

I shook my head as soft as I could. I whispered, "Go answer the door."

He sucked his teeth and let go of me. He said, "I'll go get some water for you while I'm at it." He got up from the bed and threw on one of those shirts with fountain pen tip designs on. Then he left the room.

While he was gone, I wrapped the covers around me tightly. I closed my eyes as the lights were too harsh on them. I snuggled and listened for any evidence of who arrived. I materialized There For Tomorrow.

My poor little guy was not better off than I was. He was dizzy and frowning. I could feel what he was feeling. I quickly made him make an opening revealing a random Small World. Then another opening. TFT disappeared after he was done with his job. TFT made a portal to the front door where Rohan was peeking through the crack of the front door.

Classic Rohan.

I whispered, "Stop being antisocial."

Rohan glared to the side. Not surprised, but intrigued. "Interesting, to avoid getting up, you created your Small World. Then you made another opening to reach the front door. It's almost like teleporting. Your stand ability have quite a bit of versatility."

After covering my ears, I hissed, "Rohan, be a decent human being, stop narrating, and open the dang door!"

"Okay okay," he said. He opened the door and said, "What do you want?"

It was Jotaro.

Jotaro said, "Just trying to see how Ame is doing after last night."

"I'm fine," I said waving through my makeshift portal.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now