And So...

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Quite a bit of time has gone by.

Even thought I was in the middle of my assigned responsibility, I was curious. I tiptoed to Rohan's bedroom. Then I made it to his dresser.

I pulled on of the drawers open, but I didn't find what I was looking for. It was just boring ol' shirts folded neatly. I opened the other one and...

"Jackpot!" I whispered-yelled. I pulled out one of Rohan's underwear, and it wasn't any ol' tighty whiteys. It was a thong-.

Suddenly, a pillow slammed into my head with a thump.

"Why are you being a pervert and not focusing on unpacking?" Rohan scolded. "You can be a sexual deviant later! We have important tasks at hand."

I pouted, "I'm not a sexual deviant!"

"Why are you holding one of my undergarments then?"

I hid it behind my back. "What undergarments?"


"Wait!" I quickly threw his thong at his face. "I just wanted a look!" I pouted and folded my arms.

Rohan sighed as he took his thong off of his face. "You'll have plenty of time for that later. I promise."

I suppressed the urge to squeal as I said, "Great." I got a surge of energy from that promise. "Let's finish unpacking my boxes!"

A couple of hours later, I was done settling in at Rohan's house... well, our house. I collapsed on the couch in his office and sighed.

Then an icy object pressed behind my neck made me jolt upright. "Ei! What the-?"

I turned seeing Rohan with a glad of lemonade in his hand.

"Here you go," he said. He passed the beverage to me.

I took a few gulps of the refreshing drink. Then I said, "Thanks."

He went over to his desk where his manga material was and began working. He said, "I'm going to work for a little bit."

I nodded.

Due to his influence, I felt it was best to get started on my second novel. I could rest later. His work inspired me to work.

After a very rigorous writing session, my stomach growled. I looked up from my notebook and checked a clock nearby.

So much time went by. It was nearing eight o'clock. I got up from my spot to go over to Rohan. I bent down from behind him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Hm?" He mumbled while still in the midst of working.

"We should eat," I simply said.

He replied, "I'm not ready yet." He was in his mangaka mode.

"How about this?" I said. "You continue, and I'll make something for us. Once it is time to eat, eat."

He said, "Sure. Thank you, hun."

I was about to say something, but my words got caught in my throat.

The tips of Rohan's ears began to grow red.

"Aw," I teased. "Was that a term of endearment?" Then I got a jolt of excitement. "I want to call you something! How about sweetie? Sweetheart? Kishibae?" My stomach growl interrupting my listing. "I'll be back soon."

I went to the kitchen to begin cooking a simple meal for us. When I was done, I came back with the tray of food.

Rohan was still drawing.

"It's time to E A T!"

Rohan placed his fountain pen down and said, "Thank you for... this breakfast?"

"This was the best I could make with what was in the fridge," I explained. "Plus it is healthy. One of us is going to have to go grocery shopping tomorrow." I sat the tray down on his desk.

"I can use that time to get some material for work," he said. "I'll go shopping tomorrow for us."

"Cool," I sighed. "That means I can sleep in." I grabbed a plate from the tray to bring it with me to the couch, but Rohan stopped me.

Rohan hooked an arm around my waist.


He said, "Come here." He guided me to his lap.

I was surprised I didn't dump my eggs on him. I scooped a piece of egg with my fork and ate it. I intended on repeating the task, but Rohan beat me to the forkful. I pouted, "Come on! You're food is right there!"

After fighting over my plate, I won my plate, but I was still on Rohan's lap. I wasn't too sure what was the purpose, but when he wrapped his arms around my waist after he was done eating, I got a feeling.

He placed his chin on the top of my head and said, "Who would've thought I would marry a thirsty, beautiful woman?"

I scoffed, "You could've left out the thirsty part." Then I added, "Aw, are you feeling sentimental right now?"

He replied, "How could I not? This is your first night here as my wife and there will be many more."

I squeak came from my lips at how nice that sounded.

"Ame," he called. "Is There For Tomorrow okay?" He pointed to the left of me.

TFT was floating by with tears falling from his eyes. His hands were clasped to his chest. He floated to Rohan and wrapped his arms around his head in a hug. The hug has no real contact since he was a stand.

"Let me just hug you!" I turned in Rohan's lap and wrapped my arms around him. After a while, I let go of him.

I took a good look at Rohan. I could just stare at him all night. His green orbs stared back with the same intensity.

I averted my eyes from him. "Why do you keep on staring back at me?"

He replied, "What do you want me to do? Look away?"


He snickered.

"Don't laugh at me."

He said, not convincing, "Sure." He kissed my forehead. I could feel his lips upturn into a smile while it was against my forehead.

"Lies. You were just laughing, but I'll let it slide this time." I got up from his lap and said, "Well, I'm pooped. I'm going to bed. You gonna stay writing?"

He glanced at his papers. "I will be up here a bit longer." He began organizing the pages.

"Okay. Night."

Soon, I was in bed in our bedroom finally relaxing. I let my body relax completely. I couldn't help but think about our possible future together. A smile grew on my face.

The door opened. Rohan came in and laid down beside me. He  lean close to me and placed a kiss on my check and said, "Goodnight, hun. See you tomorrow."

I whispered back, "Goodnight, sweetie."

The End


Welp, that's it. I hope you enjoyed this story. This was actually fun to write. I was trying my best to make this end on a good note, but my chaoticness was going wild. Lol

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