Special Chapter: Submissive and Breedable

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Special Chapter... cuz why not?

"What the heck did you just say?" Rohan hissed looking up at me from his work at his desk.

My confidence waned as I repeated nervously, "Y-you look very submissive and breedable today."

Rohan closed his eyes as if he was trying to process what I just said. "Ame... have you been hanging out with that troublesome Yukako again?"

I pouted at the fact that he didn't take too kindly to my compliment. "No, I got it from the internet!"

He replied, "Is this another way of asking if you can peg me? Because the answer is still no."

"Not this time!" I said. "I was just trying to compliment you!"

"Well," he said. "That was a terrible attempt."

"Aw," I said. I watched as he went back to work.

Rohan was drawing away at his manga. He quickly got back from his critical self to his comforting self as he drew. He created art so well in that state. It was admiring. He looked...

Rohan placed his pen down and got up from his spot. He was done. He looked to me who hasn't moved from the spot. "What?

I whispered, "Submissive and breedable."

He sighed while rolling his eyes. "This again? What do you want? Want to cuddle? Want to partake in coitus?"

"I'm not a sexual deviant," I said.

He scoffed, "Could've fooled me. I thought I married a sex maniac." He put his hand in front of me to flash his wedding band.

I rolled my eyes.

He placed his hand on top of my head and placed a kiss on my forehead. "But I see you are trying your best." Then he added with a whispered, "You seemed to be the one who looks submissive and breedable today."

I felt my face grow warm as he walked past me. He waved his hand as he continued to the door, "Come on. Let's get us something to eat. I'm starving."

I fanned my face to stop myself from blushing. "Okay!" I followed him out of the room.

We went out to the cafe. We sat outside.

It was nearing the end of summer, so it becoming cooler than usual. It was the perfect day for the dress and sweater I was wearing. I had my lemonade in front of me, while Rohan had his tea. We both were eating our own foods.

After a few years of hanging around here, not much has changed. The environment was calming due to the quiet tables around.

Every so often, we would see our friends around. They were moving on with their lives and growing up. It made me so happy to see everyone doing what they dream to in Morioh.


"Hm?" I said with my attention turning to Rohan.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Uh um," I couldn't voice my thoughts out loud properly, so I summed everything up by saying: "Things."

"Hm," he simply said as he took a sip of his tea. "Well, as long as you're not troubled." He gave me a calm smile that vaguely showed his relief.

"Hey, Ame! Rohan!"

I turned after hearing the familiar voice.

It was Josuke. He was currently on patrol. He came up to our table. "How are things going?"

"We are doing fine," I said. "How's your mother?"

"She's doing well," he answered.

We continued talking for a bit. We talked about how Josuke's career is going and how Rohan is still an expert at his craft. Then we got to the subject of love.

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