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The next day, on the way to Rohan's house, I crossed paths with Koichi. He said, "Hey, Josuke is having a gathering to celebrate us graduating. I was on my way to tell Rohan, but I am in a rush." He ended that with a nervous laugh.

I said, "Sure. Want me to tell Rohan?"

He said, "Yes, please. That would be a lifesaver!"

"Okay," I said.

He gave me the date and time. Two days from now at 6 in the evening. He even told me to tell Rohan something to convince him to come.

I skipped away excited to tell Rohan about it. I couldn't wait to go. I wonder of he was the type to party. I was so excited.

☆Five minutes later.☆

"I refuse!"

"Why!?" I whined. "We can let loose and spend time with our friends!"


I simply said, "Koichi and Jotaro will be there."

"Fine," he scoffed.

That was easy.

And so, two days later, we arrived at Josuke's house... late. It wasn't even fashionably late. WE WERE 2 HOURS LATE.

I had to wait for Rohan to get out of his drawing mood. I know what it's like to be interrupted during a creative moment, so I wanted. Whether I was impatient or not was a whole other issue.

When we arrived. There was a few people. The ones I knew like: Koichi, Yukako, Okuyasu, and of course Josuke. They were on the couch chilling and drinking. Okuyasu and Josuke were playing a video game. There was this woman there who could be Josuke's mother. She was off to the side in the kitchen from where I could see. Was she... crying? I could see Jotaro in the far corner in there was well. He looked so done.

The ones I didn't know was this short guy with black hair and this long haired guy with a nose piercing. They were in the corner playing some card game.

Koichi saw up and jumped up, "Hi, Rohan, Ame! Glad you could still come!"

Then two other pairs of eyes glared at Rohan: Yukako and Josuke. took a step away from him nervously. Then I grabbed his hand said, "Let's go hang with the adults!"

Rohan said, "You are aware that we are all adults, right?"

"Let's get drinks!" I said revising my statement. I pulled him to the kitchen.

I immediately regretted my decision.

The woman was crying, "It's like they were all kids yesterday! They grow up so fast!"

Jotaro had his arms folded as he took a sip from his cup.

Wait. WHAT?

This purple guy in a loin cloth was beside him holding his cup. This dude was tall. Was that a stand of Jotaro? Jotaro has a stand too?

I tiptoed to the table full of bottles of soda and alchohol (probably exclusively for this poor mother). I grabbed the punch bottle and a cup and filled it halfway. Then I grabbed a vodka bottle. I felt a hand over mine.

It was Rohan.


He said, "You may have a young face, but you are not 20 yet."

I scoffed, "So?" I picked up the bottle and poured it. Then I added other things. By the time I was done, Rohan snatched it from me.

He said, "Thank you," and took a sip. He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "This tastes too good. Why does it tastes that good?"

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now