I could just DIE

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Content warning:
VERY suggestive. But not really. I will do a summary at the end regardless. I'm not used to writing stuff like this, so it could be cringe.

Next time I woke up, I was feeling a bit better. I went home as if nothing big happened. I got some writing done. Next time I was hanging with Rohan again, was two days later.

We decided to go to Rengatei Cafe.

Rohan was taking a "break" from writing. His version of a break was not being in the action of drawing and sketching. So he was still searching for inspiration regardless.

I was sipping on some lemonade. I hummed in relish of the sour flavor. I sighed. Then I looked back up at Rohan.

His emerald eyes bore into me. The intensity made me quickly avert my eyes away from him.

I loved the way Rohan was dressed today. He wore yet another croptop with this coat and matching gloves. He looked ready for a model photoshoot. I could stare at him all day... well, until he matched my energy and stared right back.


I asked, "Why are staring so much?"

He answered without hesitation, "You are very pretty. Have I ever told you that?" His eyes were scanning all of me with full intensity.

"Um," I said hesitantly. "I don't know. Um..." My face grew warm as I began blushing. That compliment was so sudden, I wasn't sure how to take it.

He stood up from his seat and went over to me. He held his hand out to me and said, "I want to hold you. Let's go."

"Wait, what?"

He said, "It would look weird if I just start showing public display of affection here."

"I mean," I sputtered. "S-sure." I grabbed my pencil and sliced into the air. I grabbed the hand he was now shaking in the air in front of my face. I pulled him into my Small World which revealed my fake bedroom.

The opening closed behind us.

Just as I was about to make another opening to go directly to Rohan's house, a pair of arms wrapped around me tightly from behind. His arms were snug around my waist. His warm cheek rested against the side of my face. His front side pressed against my back side.

He whispered, "Let's just stay here."

I replied with a wavering voice, "Um... uh, are you okay?" It wasn't that I didn't want to do whatever he wanted. It was that it felt very sudden. It felt a bit odd.

He answered, "I'm fine."

I turned in his arm to face him.

Rohan's face was clearly flushed. He didn't let go of me. "How else should I spend my break with you, Ame? I want to take all of you in."

I inhaled sharply at how hot that was!

Rohan glanced to my left for a second. "Well, at least you feel the same way I do."

I looked to see TFT floating beside me in midst of a silent squeal. He was kicking his legs and clasping his hands together. I made my stand disappear. "Okay, you got me, but give me a warning! You had me startled for a bit."

"Sorry," he said, while he closed his face with mine. He kept getting closer until our lips touched. His tongue slid into my mouth. Instead of having the feeling of exploring radiating from him, he seemed hungry.

I just invited him in. I didn't let my mind overthink or anything. I just wanted to feel the experience with him. I had no idea how much time went by until I felt his hand against my back. His chest press into mine.

I began to stumble until I felt the bed beneath me.

Rohan grabbed the back of my neck to support my neck. The kiss seemed the deepen, but I pulled away by turning my head to the side.

I was out of breath. My heart was throbbing at light speed in my chest. I was in the embrace of this guy! I was elated.

Even though I turned my lips from his, he didn't stop there. He kept kissing my cheek, my jaw, my neck then chest.

Suddenly, Rohan muttered against my stomach under my sundress, "Heaven's door."

"Hm?" I mumbled, puzzled of what he did. I didn't bother because I was so high off the feeling of Rohan kissing all over me. I was blinded by the pleasure. I combed my hands through his green hair. I may had pulled the few times, but I didn't hear him object.

The next few moments were so warm and amorous, that I could just DIE! Eventually, I was calming down, but I still had this feeling I couldn't explain. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen. Maybe it that I never felt so happy or... loved like that before.

"Ame," Rohan called. He sounded weird.

"Hm?" I was beginning to snap out of it.

"Ame!" Rohan called once again. He sounded... squished?

I rubbed my eyes and found Rohan's face. On each side of his face were my thighs.

My face grew warm in embarrassment. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" I let go of him.

Rohan laughed, "This is something I could draw."

I covered my face and yelled, "What? You with your face stuck between my thighs?!"

He said, "No. That look you had just now." He stopped laughing, but his eyes were exploring my whole disheveled self.

I fixed my strap to my dress and asked nervously, "What do you mean?"

He explained, "The way you were enjoying yourself just now was very captivating."

Okay, now I could die.


SO... Rohan is taking an ACTUAL day off with Ame at Rengatei Cafe. He decided that he wanted to be with her alone. Ame tries to make her portals to go straight to Rohan's house, but once they are inside Small World, he stops her.

They made out. Ame is super happy. During makeout time, Rohan says, "Heaven's Door", but Ame doesn't know why since she was distracted (will be important).

At the end, Rohan says he wants to draw her and calls her captivating.

Ame can die happy!

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now