Work Out

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Another week went by. Rohan and I were to meet at yet another cafe called Cafe De Maigot. It was a week before we hung out again. He had an idea for us to bond...

Today, I wasn't wearing my usual summer sundress. I was wearing sweatpants and a tee-shirt.

When I arrived, Rohan was sitting at a table with some dude in an ugly hat. I came up behind Rohan, bent down, and placed a kiss on his cheek. I greeted quietly, "Hey, Rohan."

"Good afternoon, Ame," Rohan said while glancing at me. He kept his strong composure, but I saw his tips of his ears turn a light pink.

I sat in the chair between the two and stay quiet as they finished talking about manga business.

The man got up, said his goodbyes and left.

Rohan grabbed his bag from beside him and said, "Ready to go?"

I stood up and said gung-ho, "Let's do it!"

And we were on our way. After a while, we arrived at our destination. A gym.

I knew there was a reason Rohan stayed so fit. I wanted to try working out as well.

We went in and got to working!

The first place we went to were weights section. I said to Rohan, "I want muscles!" I flexed my arms showing off my lack of muscles.

Rohan said confidently, "Let me show you how it's done." He began doing some exercising on a lifting thing.

It took everything to control myself. I was not the type to fond over men lifting weights or getting sweaty while exercising, but today, I was a new person! I wasn't even into muscles until I saw him get to work.

This man was a work of art.

"Ame?" Rohan called snapping me out of it. He was done with what he was doing.

I muttered, "Gosh, you are mad hot. Like wow!"

Rohan chuckled confidently, "Your turn. You should be honored to be spotted by I, Rohan Kishibe."

I replied, "Mm, yes I am." I mentally slapped my hand. Bad, Ame!

I tried some of the weight contraptions thingys while Rohan spotted me. Not gonna lie, it was hard work, but Rohan was being actually supportive. It was kind of scary.

After muscle training, we moved on to the treadmill. As we began with walking, we slowly began increasing the speed. Of course, I got competitive. I tried going faster than him, but he somehow kept topping me.

Eventually, I was on my last leg, as I slowed the treadmill down to a halt. I fell to my knees as I heaved, "How the heck can you keep going?"

Rohan was still going steady as he shrugged, "Experience."

Experience?! What does that even mean? Does this man just runs 25km/s or something? Not only did he run fast, he ran with STYLE!

I continued to catch my breath as he asked, "Are you okay?"

I answered while huffing and puffing, "Nope, just sitting here dying." I began losing my bearings as I became lightheaded.

"Ugh," I heard Rohan beside me. "Don't be going overboard like that, idiot." He placed his hand on my back gently and began rubbing. "Need some help?"

"Water," I barely got out. "W-water."

"Okay," Rohan got up from me and basically shoved the bottle of water in my face. "Drink."

About five minutes later, I was back on my feet.

Rohan snapped, "Next time, don't overdo it."

"Whatever," I pouted. His stamina clearly outweighed mine.

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