Adventure Awaits!

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Two days later, and Rohan was back on his feet. He told me not to come over those days, so he could rest and to make sure I didn't catch his cold. Now I was back at his office. We haven't talked about my little flustered moment again, thankfully. He was thumbing through what I have written as he paced in front of me, while I sat on the couch. "Hm..." He muttered, "Seems like you need to go out more."

"Hunh?!" I scoffed offended. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He answered without holding back punches, "It's beginning to get unrealistic. You stay in too much. Your lack of experience is hindering your imagination. You need to go out and experience things. Experience is what breathes reality into a piece of work. Your work will be read among more people and-."

"Excuse that thought," I interrupted.

He gasped. This time he was offended from me interrupting him.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?"

Rohan suggested, "We can go out and people watch again."

I sighed, "I really don't want to eavesdrop on random strangers."

He added, "Maybe you can put them in your world and-."

"And cry like a baby again?" I interjected. "No thank you. Plus I'm basically kidnapping people."

He scoffed, "So now you are affected by the morals of bringing people to your world unaware. Then how about we follow the direction your story is going."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He clarified, "We can follow in your characters footsteps and choices when going out. See how everything turns out, and you can get your experience. But your experience would be quite limited and subjective on who you interact with and what situation you are in. It will also depend on if you can even identify the character traits and relatability with the plot. That is crucial as there is only so much going on in The peaceful town of Morioh. We also-."

"Pause on that," I said interrupting Rohan's rambles. "Let's just go. We can't be here for an hour listening to you."

"Rude," he said. He handed me my notebook. He bent down to grab this very expensive looking bag. Was that Gucci?

"Still love you," I said getting up from the couch.

He seemed to freeze in place.

"What?" I questioned. "Is something wrong?"

He cleared his throat and shook his head. "No. I just never really hear you say that."

"What?" I thought about what I said previously. "Love?"

"Well," he said. "I didn't expect someone like you to utter words like that." His face was a light pink. He was blushing.

"Aw. You're blushing."

"Of course," he said sharply. "Someone like you saying something that I would like to hear, why wouldn't I be?"

I covered my face at how cute that was.

He asked surprised, "Why are you blushing?"

"Because you're blushing!" I said stomping in place. I was trying to shake the cuteness away. "Not only are you hot, but you are so cute too!"

Rohan cleared his throat again and said, "Let's go ahead and leave." He held his hand out to me. He looked away as he shook his hand.

I grabbed his hand and said, "Alright. Adventure awaits!"

And so the both of us ended up on a walk trying to search for some type of adventure. We were walking around Morioh.

We walked past a store, he asked, "Have you tried shoplifting?"

"What?" I said baffled.

He said, "I did it to get the experience of one."

I sighed, "I'm assuming it's for your manga."

"Of course," he said matter of factly. "I wouldn't stupe so low to shoplift for no reason.

I sighed, "Only you would do something like that."

He said, "It was something daring." He stopped for a bit. "Hm, maybe something daring can-."

"Rohan, I'm not shoplifting," I said shutting him down.

He said, "Anything can be daring." He said this as he got in front of me. It forced me to stop walking. "I know you can be bold sometimes, but you are not so bold on some things."

"Like what?"

"Romantic initial moves," he answered as he placed the hand that wasn't holding his bag on my waist. "You get nervous with the first move I make. Coupled with that being in public."

Suddenly, my face grew warm as I recognize that we are literally in the town of Morioh, where someone is always around! But he's trying to be romantic. I had no idea whether to be excited or terrified.


I said confused, "Let's kill the what?"

Rohan thought for a second before saying, "Oh no-."

That was as far as he got. Because suddenly he was thrown into brick wall beside us.

I looked to where the push could've came from. I saw Koichi looking fierce as walked over to us. When he glanced at me, he asked, "Are you okay?"

I said surprised, "Yeah."

I watched Koichi go over to Rohan and grabbed him by the collar. It was weird watching this short guy basically manhandle this grown man. This was interesting.

Koichi yelled, "I will not to allow you to put your hands on Ame like that!"

Rohan struggled, "I was just helping her with her story, and it's fine." He didn't seem to be affected by his screaming despite just being thrown into a wall a second ago.

Koichi was filled with anger and disbelief, "What do you mean 'it's fine'? Does she look fine?" He pointed over at me.

The both of them looked over at me. Currently, I was writing in my notebook in incredible speed as I observed this. This scene was perfect!

I said, "This was perfect!"

"What?" Koichi said puzzled.

"Being in such a uncertain romantic and daring situation to someone surprise attacking the love interest is amazing!"

Koichi looked back at Rohan in disbelief, and Rohan shrugged but had an expression showing that he was proud.

Rohan said, "I didn't expect this to happen, but Koichi, your heroics helped."

Koichi hesitantly let go of Rohan's collar.

Rohan stood up and brushed his outfit off.

I said to Rohan as I continued scribbling, "Wow, you are right about Koichi. He is very likeable. If I was really in a bad situation, he would be someone I wanted to save me."

"What?" Koichi said not any less confused than before.

I said, "Thank you, Koichi!" I just finished writing what I could at the moment.

"Uh... sure?" He replied.

I said, "Let's go, Rohan! Adventure awaits!" I grabbed the hem of his shirt and began pulling him along.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now