Hard Work

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I was in his office, but we were barely interacting. He was at his desk doing some crazy drawings for his manga. Like how in the word can a person draw a page in amazing detail in just ten minutes. TEN MINUTES!

He told me to focus on what I was doing and then show him what I got, so that was what I was doing at the moment.

Well, I would do if I could focus.

His work pace was amazing. The look of concentration was amazing. He was amazing!

I watched him from across the room as he worked at his desk. I was so deep in my thoughts staring at him that I didn't notice when he began looking at me.

Rohan went, "Hm." He pulled out a sketch pad and began drawing. "Stay like that for me." He began studying me back.

"Hunh?" I said confused. I was alarmed. He noticed me, and... he began drawing?

He sighed, "Forget it." He put his stuff back on his desk.

"Wait, what was that for?"

He answered, "I was trying to sketch that look of awe on your face. It's something I could use for reference, but it's gone now."

"Wait," I said. "Maybe I can-."

"Nope," he said, cutting me off. "It's going to be all fake and unrealistic."

"Eh," he was right." I had no idea how I even looked at that moment. I was almost flattered that he wanted to draw me, but I didn't want to seem too excited.

"So let me see," he reached his hand out to me.


He sighed, "Is that all you can say? 'Hunh?' Let me see what you have written so far."

"Wait!" I put my notebook to my chest. "Give me some more time."

"No, I need to know what you got down in the last hour."

I shook my head no.

He folded his arms and said, "Didn't you say that you wanted my help? I can't help you unless you let me."

I went through all kinds of mental gymnastics to muster up the courage to pull the notebook from my chest. I got up from the couch I was sitting on. I walked across the room to him. I handed him my notebook and closed my eyes.

Rohan took it. I didn't want to see how he would look reading my very minute writings. I was afraid to to see disappointment.

I twiddled with the pencil in my hand.

Then I heard pages turning.

I quickly opened my eyes and said, "That's just old story ideas. You don't need to look-." I grabbed the book.

I drew in the area making my Small World and threw my notebook in there.

I looked back at Rohan and laughed awkwardly. I tried to read his expression. I felt even more nervous when I couldn't read him.

Rohan sighed, "You will have to do some research on experiences and what you know, so that may help you." He seemed to be all business and serious.

Not gonna lie, but that is reassuring. The last thing I need is someone judging me.

"When was the last time you ate?"


He repeated, "When was the last-."

"Since noon," I answered just as I understood his question.

Rohan chided, "If you understand, then what's the point of saying 'hunh'. It's hasty."

And there goes the judging... I want to fight him, but he's not wrong.

"Regardless," he continued. "You need sustenance if you want to be able to focus and have some energy. You look dead."

Yep, I wanted to fight him, but he was right. I was feeling tired and a bit hungry.

Rohan stood up from his seat, "I'm going to make some tea and bring some snacks up."

"You don't have to," I started.

"Then you can go home-."

"Fine," I said reluctantly.

He added, "You might want to call your parents. It will take a quite a while for you to reach my level of expertise with story writing. You will need all the time you can get. Well, if you can even that level."

I said theough my teeth, "I live alone."

He said, "Oh really? I could've sworn you were 15."

"I'm 18," I said trying to resist the urge to snap on him... or snap him.

"Oh," he simply said. "Could've fooled me." He walked out of the room.

What was that from?! He was all cool and serious, then he switched back to all mean and abrasive!

I opened back my Small World with my pencil and There For Tomorrow (let's just call him TFT for short) came to the opening.

TFT passed me my notebook.

I sighed, "You think he's hot too, hunh?"

TFT responded with a smile.

I said, "Let's do it for the croptop."

TFT looked at me with doubt.

"And for my next book too!"

Yes, I wanted to fight him earlier, but I would put up with him to better my skills!

"We can do it!"

"Do what?"

I froze. I slowly turned seeing Rohan in the doorway with a tray with snacks and tea.

TFT flew back into the opening and my Small World closed.


That evening, he was basically assessing what I could do. In conclusion, he figured, I think, how he could help me out of this slump.

Before leaving, he told me "Meet me at the Regatei Cafe. We can get started there."

For a guy who is... like that, I was surprised that he was willing to help me in some way.

This was going to be an interesting Summer.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now