Thanks, I Hate It

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It's all so sad!

So things didn't exactly go wrong. I pushed the couple into my Small World. They went through a scenario, and now I'm in tears.

Rohan shrugged, "I guess if you are moved, then you should be passionate to write it. That's something that you can write in great detail."

I used a napkin to dab my eyes. Then I used TFT to drag the couple out back to where they were before.

The couple blinked confused and rubbed their eyes as if they just woke up. They were unharmed but confused.

"So are you motivated to write?"

I nodded. I could barely talk because I was just finished crying. That whole Small World scenario was so touching and heartbreaking.

I looked back down at my notebook filled with notes and tear stains.

"Good," he said as he stood up. "You can meet me at my house tomorrow around noon, and we can work with that." Professional and serious as usual. At least he wasn't his judging and spiteful self at the moment.

I almost wished he could comfort me from the strong emotions I just went through. Gosh, I almost wanted to fight him... for a hug.

Rohan closed his own notepad and put up his writing utensil. "That expression of yours was perfect material for my manga." He gathered his things and said, "See you tomorrow."

I mumbled, "Yeah, see you."

And then, I was off to my home. I did think about my novel and how it was going to work out. Despite what I felt, Rohan helped me out.

When the next day came around, I was back at Rohan's door. I knocked, and shortly, he opened the door and let me in.

We were back at his office. Rohan was writing for his manga, and I was on the couch across the room writing. He wasn't wearing his croptop that time, but it was still nice watching him draw. It was very passionate and even inspiring at how he worked. I could stare at his concentration face all day.

But this was not the time. I wrote a lot more than I expected.

After a while, Rohan turned to me in seat and said, "Show me what you've written so far."

I got up and walked over to him. I passed him my notebook. "Here you go!" I was confident in my ability to create at this moment. There was no way for that to be shot down.

Rohan examined what I wrote. The longer it took, the more the confidence was beginning to wane. He was waiting a little too long.

When he finally looked back at me, he gave a smile, "You've improved."

I put my hand to my heart at his response.

That smile.

That compliment.


"Ame, your stand is out," he informed as he handed my notebook back to me.

I took my notebook back and said, "Oh." I looked to the side and saw TFT floating beside me. "Are you sure you don't want to come into my Small World?"

"Why would I?" He asked.

I reasoned, "Well, it's an experience. I've even been in there. It's not painful in the slightest, and it's... cool?" If I get his permission, then technically it wasn't "attacking" him.


"AND you can use it for reference in your manga!" I said that a little too excited.

"Tempting," he said looking at me from his side eye. "Not now. I'll save that for later when you get your desires in check."

"My desires?!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes," he said unpreterbed. "I had to avoid wearing a croptop, so you wouldn't be unnecessarily distracted."

I sputtered, "I-I w-wouldn't get distracted. Come on!" I scoffed and folded my arms.

"Sure," he said clearly doubting me. "Need some water for that thirst. You must be parched."

Did this man just call me thirsty? I laughed, with difficulty, at that stupid, yet true joke. "Heh heh heh." Then I slammed my notebook on his desk. "I am not thirsty! You are just extremely attractive for some reason, and it's frustrating! You are more than clothes, Rohan!" Crop top or not, this man was captivating, despite his flaws.

"Hm, I see." He said this unfazed of my reaction. "So you aren't as shallow and one dimensional as I thought. I was sure more revealing outfits would send you over the edge."

I slammed my hand on his desk and growled, "You really think so low of me. I'm not a sexual deviant!" My hands wouldn't have been on the desk if Rohan hadn't written that I couldn't attack him. That smart jerk. He really thought ahead!

"Then why do you want me so badly to go to your Small World?"

"I-..." I stumbled over my words trying to prove him wrong. "Well, I want to know more about you! All I know is what I see. If I throw you in my world, I can learn all types of things about you!"

Rohan asked, "Would you do that just about with anyone?" Ah, now he was trying to see if I just wanted to use my stand ability on him because I liked him.

Gosh, I wanted to fight him.

Finally, I answered, "No. Just with interesting individuals. You, Rohan, are one of them. Please come into my world." I clasped my hands together. "I want to examine and explore you and find out things that you don't even know about yourself."

"I'm flattered," he mumbled. "Then I can learn about you myself and your stand ability. You could be decent material."

I shrugged, "We can use each other."

"Okay," he said. "I'll give you permission." He stood up from his chair with a confident, yet intrigued stance. "We will do it after some tea."

"Fair enough," I agreed. I tried my best to hide my excitement as he walked out of the room. When, he left I looked at TFT who I've forgotten that was still floating by my side.

TFT had a big smile on his face. His hands were clasped together as he twirled dreamily. He looked lovestrucked. Just how long has he looked like that?! Well, he is basically me and my "fighting spirit".

Well, can't wait for after tea time.

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