The times without you.

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Baby, it's 11:30 at night.

I have barely slept in days

because I keep thinking about you.

I keep thinking about you

and how far away you are.

You need to be there, I know.

Maybe I need to be there, too.

You seem like you're doing so well, but

I just wish I could hold you.

I wish I could tell you this

with my hands in your hair

and our off-beat hearts

ticking in sync.

Baby, it's 2 am.

I'm still staring at the cracked ceiling

and I am wondering what might have happened

if we never met.

All I see is darkness

that stretches so far that I don't know

what comes after,

if anything comes at all.

Would I be here

if I didn't have you?

I can only hope.

I can only wish.

Baby, it's 11 am

and your sweatshirt

doesn't smell like your perfume anymore.

Draped across my blankets,

it smells of wildflower detergent

and fresh cotton dryer sheets.

I remember what you smell like-

I remember exactly how you taste.

Always sweet, like the roses

I brought you on our first date.

Your lips like mango

and your tongue twisting with mine

like licorice.

Your words are just as sweet

as you pour them into my ear,

and down into my soul.

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