Runaway Boy.

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You fill the pages of my notebooks

like that wine stain on your favorite shirt.

Unwanted, but there forever.

You made me this way.

We created a world where we could be, together,

but now I'm twenty-four and living without you.

I sit with my head in my hands,

with crazy wide eyes

because I can't sleep again.

I can't sleep again because you promised.

You promised you would stay

but it has been four years since I last saw you

and you didn't say goodbye, but I did.

You just walked through that door, unscathed

as I wished, as I hoped and prayed.

You didn't say goodbye.

You never said goodbye

and now I wonder what we could have been

had you stayed.

Would I have wanted you to?

You do not deserve to bleed onto these pages,

but now I'm dry eyed and thinking of you again.

You are a poison that is still sickening me,

so run away from me, just like that night.

Run as fast and far as you can.

Don't look back.

It was easy for you the first time.

Why should it be any harder tonight?

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