How you meet- Leonardo

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You were walking home from your friends house, at around 8 at night. You were wearing your favourite hoodie with a pair of blue and black lululemon pants. Your friend lived about 3 blocks away from your apartment, and your mom was working an extra swift at the office, so you had to walk all the way home. You really didn't mind, your mom has had a rough time working to survive since your dad passed away. As you walking, you had to pass by a club on York Street. Drunk men, drunk women, and drunk couples were all walking out of the bar. As soon as you passed the closest alley next to the club, a group of drunk men pulled you into the alley. Two men pushed you against the brick wall. The third man came up to you and started taking your shirt off. You were terrified and worried that you were about to get rapped. You struggled against their hold, but they were too strong for you to get away. The third man held a pocket knife to your neck, to stop you from struggling. All of a sudden, a dark tall figure roundhouse kick the man. All of a sudden, the other two men beside you were knocked out cold. The figure walked up to you, "hello ma'am, are you alright?" You stood up, looking at the dark figure who you assumed was just some regular man. "Oh yes, i'm fine thank you, but can I see you at least to properly thank you?" you said. The figured took a step back, you got a little confused thinking that you might have said something wrong. " Uh....sorry ma'am I can't do that. You see I'm not what you think I am, so if you see me your going to scream and run. If that makes sense?" he said, he sounded nervous, this confused you but you didn't want to push. " If it makes you feel better, I promise not to run and scream" you said this to reassure him that you wouldn't do such a thing.  Finally, he sighed and walked into the light. You saw that he was a turtle. You weren't that surprised because your dad got mutated before the kraang killed him, for 'not being a successful subject'. You were captivated by his beautiful ocean eyes. He got confused by why you were dazed and thought it was because you were scared, but didn't want to break your promise.He took a step back, this caught your attention back into reality. "Oh i'm sorry, i'm not scared of you don't worry. My dad was a mutant too. My names Y/N, what's your name?" This shocked him, there was this beautiful girl in front of him and she's not scared, and she said her father was a mutant. " Um... i'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo for short if you want." Leo said. "Well, Thank you Leo. If you want you can call me N/N" you said, for some reason you both just felt comfortable around each other. "Oh it's no problem, but I got to go, here's my number if you wanna hang out sometime Y/N." And with that he was off. You walked back to your house with no other issues. Once you opened your bedroom door, you walked to your bed and put Leo's number into your contacts. After that you got ready for bed. You made some dinner, and left the rest on the counter with a note for your mom to eat when she gets home.

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