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Leo was on a hunt for you. Karai told him that Shredder is coming for revenge for the one he loved. To him he knew the answer. You. You were kidnapped at 6pm, it's about midnight. Karai told him about you ten minutes ago. He called his brother to met him on 4th and 3rd. He told them that Shredder has you and is planning on getting rid of you as revenge. They jumped rooftops as fast as they could, until they reached Shredder's lair. They jumped through the window closest to the cell block. Once in, they ran looking around for your cell. There was one last cell at the end of the hallway and Leo knew that had to be you. But when he reached the bars, he was mortified. He saw all the blood, scars, cuts, bruises, and chains on you. Donnie opened the cell and Leo rushed over to you. Your pulse was faint but still there. They rushed back to the lair as fast as they could. Donnie patched you up and hooked you up to monitors. You awoke at noon to see Leo by your side and you couldn't be happier.

After that day Leo made a promise to go back after Shredder for doing this to you.

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