When he gets jealous- All

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You and your friend Vinny were walking home from school. Little did you know, Leo was on patrol when he saw you walking with Vinny. He separated from the team and went to stalk you and Vinny. Meanwhile, you and Vinny were talking about life when all of a sudden Leo jumps down in front of you and Vinny. "Y/N, who's this?" Leo asked through gritted teeth while grabbing Vinny by the collar of his shirt, lifting him off the ground. "Leo, this is Vinny. Vinny, this is Leo" you said back, knowing Leo wasn't going to stop until he found out why you were with Vinny. "So, why are you with Vinny, I mean, I hope he knows you have a boyfriend?" Leo said, still not budging. "Leo there's no reason to worry. Vinny is gay, he came out 2 weeks ago. And yes he knew I have a boyfriend" you said getting annoyed knowing that Leo was getting jealous over nothing. "Oh, well night night" Leo said before knocking Vinny out . Leo then sprayed the memory spray Donnie gave him so people won't remember who they are. "Come on i'll bring him to my place" you said. You and Leo walked back to your house, Leo was holding Vinny over his shoulder too. The whole way home, you kept making fun of how jealous he was. 


You were sitting in the lair, texting your friend Austin. You and Austin have been friends since pre-school. You guys were talking shit about some kids in your class. You and him were making jokes, one of them made you laugh a little which made Raph agitated. Raph was so boiled with anger, when you kept laughing with Austin. He snatch your phone and texted Austin back with:

Raph: Hey Austin, this is Y/N's boyfriend Raph. You talk to her again, IM GONNA BEAT THE SHELL OUT OF YOU, YOU HEAR ME!!!!!

Austin: ummm.... yes sir

Raph: Good.

You laughed at how anger Raph got and put down your phone. For the rest of the day, you made fun of how jealous he got.


You were talking to Donnie about your science project you are doing with your classmate Dick. Donnie was getting jealous because you were doing it with guy other than him. You kept going not really realizing that Donnie wasn't paying attention. He then saw that your phone went off. It was a text from Dick. Donnie asked you if he could borrow your phone, which of course you said yes to. Donnie then tracked Dick's location to his house and wrote it down, before coming back to sit next to you. Finally you caught when you saw that Dick's contact was open. You got mad at Donnie, but then made fun of him for the rest of the day that he was jealous over a kid you didn't like. Plus, the only reason you were working with Dick, the noise picker, was because the teacher assigned you guys as partners. Oh Donnie sure did feel stupid.


You and Mikey were in the skate park, skating away. All of a sudden, a boy named Curtis came over and started hitting on you. Mikey got extremely jealous. He started to beat up Curtis until he was black and blue. You just watched in shock at Mikey. Mikey got off of Curtis and ran over to you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, while he put his on your waist. You guys just kissed each other, until you needed air. You both then walked back to the lair, hand in hand.

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