When he proposes- Michelangelo

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Marshmallow sweet goodness, was what you were dreaming about until you were pulled out by a ringing sound. You turn over and open your eyes to see it was Mikey calling. 
👧"Mikey what's up"

🍕"Y/N,hope I wasn't disturbing you"

👧"No Mikey, not at all. Just you know casually sleeping when a phone rings at 2:30 in the morning, totally normal"

🍕"Uh...Sorry babe, but can you meet me on your rooftop in 20 minutes, wear your best!"

👧"Uh...sure yea, but can you tell me why?"

🍕"It's a surprise babe, bye love you"

👧"Love you too"

Once you hung up you looked for a dress and flats to wear. Once you put those on, you put your hair in a high bun and did natural makeup. You made sure your sisters were asleep before heading to your rooftop. 

Once you reached your rooftop, you saw orange petals spread across it forming a heart shape with Mikey standing in the middle. You walked to Mikey, careful not to ruin his hard work. "Y/N, the years of our childhood to now with you have been the best things in my life. I want it to just continue forever so..." He got down on one knee and opened a white velvet box to reveal a ring inside. You cried tears of joy. "Y/N Hamato, will you make me the already happiest turtle on Earth and marry me?" You couldn't form the words you wanted to say, so you only nodded. He slipped the ring on your finger, before his lips met yours in a gentle yet passionate kiss. You guys picked up the petals and put them in your room before celebrating with a little fun. Just the two of you.

'Best day ever!'

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