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You and the guys were stuck in the year 2105. Along the way of your current journey, you have made enemies like: Darius Dunn, Dark turtles, Triple threat, and Sh'Okonabo. It always felt weird to you how you're dating real Donnie, while Dark Donnie keeps trying to hit on you. He hasn't done anything, yet, but I think that it won't be long til he puts a plan in place.

Currently, the guys and the Dark Turtles had a fight in broad-daylight. Dark Leo got hit while the others got away. Currently, you've been housing and taking care of the turtle. You, Cody, and Donnie have been attending to the turtle's wounds and making sure he is breathing and is well. Once he awoke, you and the guys put a plan in place to try and treat him like a normal person instead of a monster. You love psychology and wanted to see what the poor turtle clone was feeling and thinking.

You asked Donnie if you could step up a session with him. When you were in the room with Dark Leo, he admitted that he is conflicted on what to feel since the normal life was strange to him. I mean he never experienced it before so it was pretty normal for him to feel that way.

Late at night he escaped the lab and called his brothers to come and attack. While they were retreating from the fight Dark Donnie came into your room when you were sleeping and took you. Before he left, he left a note for Donnie.

'Took my sweets. She was never yours ,Twin. Can't wait to marry her and have kids! Too bad you'll miss out.- Your twin"

-----The next day (9am)-----

You woke up to see you weren't at the penthouse. You were in a dimly lit bedroom of some sort. You got up without a problem. You weren't tied or nothing. But you tried to open the door and it was locked. "Trying to run my love?" a voice said. You knew it didn't belong to Donnie, but it sure was close to it. You whipped around to see a big black figure leaning against the wall in a dark corner in the room. "Who- who are you?" nervousness was clear in your voice. When the figure came out it ended up being Dark Donnie. Your body slammed against the door as you jumped back. "Oh it's only me Y/N, your one and only Donatello!" Dark Donnie opened his arms like he was expecting a hug or something. "You're- You're not Donnie" You with a silent tear rolling down your face. "Oh yes I am, don't make me punish you dear" his voice was very warning as to not mess with him. You shook your head 'no', and that's when other figures popped from behind you. It was Dark Mikey followed by Dark Raph. Dark Raph grabbed you arms and put them behind your back. You tried to escape his grasp but it was no use. Mikey tied your hands and feet before pushing you to the floor. They left the room before locking the door once more with a key. "Oh you can't deny love my sweets." He picked you up and placed you on the bed. He grab a cloth and tied it over your mouth to behind your head. He gagged you. You were helpless. He raped you before he put a needle in your neck to knock you out.

While you were unconscious, he did a pregnancy but not the one you pee on a stick. It was the other way to do one, his way, he did a blood test then did an ultrasound. Turns out he got you pregnant. He already canceled your tracking device that was on your gwonlight. You truly were helpless. Dark Donnie also made a needle that he put in your stomach that enhances your pregnancy. So instead of 9 months it's literally 4 weeks. He also planned that he would marry you two weeks into your pregnancy.

When you woke up you were untied and your stomach was larger. You looked like you were already 4 months pregnant. You started to panic. "Don't worry honey, I got you pregnant and then made a serum that enhances your pregnancy from 9 months to 4 weeks. You look like you're in your 4 month" Dark Donnie explained like it was totally normal. You ran into a problem, if you were gonna get an abortion you can't since the baby has grown already to it's 4 month size in your pregnancy. Whether you liked it or not, you were gonna have to keep the baby and tell Donnie once he saves you. You started to cry, this was not how you wanted to have your first child. Dark Donnie tried to comfort you into a hug, but you pushed him away. He was so shocked, but definitely not surprised. He slipped a ring on your finger before he left the room to get you some lunch. While you cried all you could think about is how you were gonna tell Donnie.

To be continued.....

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