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You were coming back from the lair. On your way home, you have to pass 3 alleys on your way. You were about to walk into your second currently. As you turned the corner a hand wrapped over your mouth and another on your hands. You were pushed to the ground while people were tying your hands and feet together. You realized that it was the Purple dragons you were dealing with. 

They surround your tied body in a circle. The goons by your feet opened up that part of the circle, only to reveal Hun. He grabbed you by your hair. You thrasted in his grasp but it was no use. He gagged your mouth before he put a needle in your neck. Once you felt the prick, everything went black while your body went limp.

----- 2 hours later-----

You woke up still tied, but you were only in your bra and underwear. You noticed that your clothes were in a bag by the door. You tried to get up until you realized you were tied to a bed. You started trying to get yourself out of your restraints. Suddenly, you saw Hun walk back in with a mouth strap with a black ball in the middle. You realized this was gonna to be your gag, so you tried to move away from. He put it in your mouth with ease, because you really couldn't move anywhere. Suddenly you saw a man walk in and pay Hun. Before Hun walked out, he gave you a smirk with a wink before he finally exited the room. The man before you started getting undressed. It finally clicked that Hun was selling you off. You realized that you were just sex trafficked and have no way out. While you were being raped, you prayed that Raph was going to come to your rescue.

To be continued....

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