When he proposes- Raphael

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You and Raph planned that tonight's date was to be star gazing at Central park. You wore a knee length red flowy dress with red flats. Your hair was half up half down. You did natural makeup. You waited on your fire escape til Raph came to take you to your date night destination. 

You guys watched the sunset and the moon rise, accompanied with stars. You were snuggled close on a red picnic blanket, that was spread along the grass. Raph sat up. This caused your gaze to be removed from the stars and land on him. You ended up sitting up as well, not knowing what was going on. "Raph, babe, what's wrong?" You wondered if something was bothering him since you both were fine 3 minutes ago. So, what changed? Raph held your hand before standing up bringing you with him. "Umm, Raph wha-" you were cut off by Raph. "Y/N, these past 2 years we've spent were my greatest ever. You stuck with me in my roughest and I did too with you. I never want this to end so I have no choice but to do this." He went down on one knee and opened a red velvet box, only for it to hold a ring inside. Tears of joy were staining your face once reality kicked in."Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest ninja turtle and marry me?" You knew your answer but no words could come out. You nodded your head before your lips met with his. He slipped the ring on your finger, before you packed up and head to the Lair to have a little fun.

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