Saved- Michelangelo

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When you awoke, not to your surprise, you were still in the Shredder's throne room. Your sisters were awake as well. "Guys, how are we gonna get out if these chains just keep getting tighter if we move?" Sarafina asked all worried about if the guys couldn't find them and if they were dying today. "Here I'm gonna try to move out of these chains, I mean there has to be a breaking point right" You said, still wondering if you were capable to attempt this crazy action of yours. 

You tried and tried, but it kept getting tighter. Right now you can't move at all, that's how tight it is. Your sisters were trying while you were and now were also stuck. 

It's been about 13 hours. No food. No sunlight. No bathroom break. And No Mikey. You missed him like crazy, but you knew he was coming. It was just in a matter of time. 

Another hour passed before a big loud crash was heard from underneath you. You knew it was the guys. They weren't so discret in their mission but hey, what works works. Finally after a while they came up to untie you four. Donnie, thank god, brought his blow torch to melt the chains off before Leo could do the final cut. First out was Sarafina, then Soraia, then Leila, and lastly you. The boys picked up their girlfriend before April and Casey brought the helicopter and you all jumped in. 

That's the night Mikey pledged to always be by your side.

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