First kiss- All

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You and Leo were sitting on your rooftop watching the stars. It's really rare to see stars in New York, because of all the air pollution. You and him were laying on your constellation blanket you have had since the second grade. All of a sudden, a shooting star flew by. You both jolt up. Then all of a sudden, Leo brushes his lips against yours. You kiss back without hesitation. This sweet kiss, lead into a heated makeout session. Finally, you both broke apart for air. "Wow.. that was amazing Leo" you said taken back by the kiss. "Thanks, your a great kisser yourself" Leo replied to your comment. You both just stared into each other's eyes, not sure what to do next. "So um Y/N?" Leo asked. "Yea" "Um.. I like you alot, like I love you Y/N. So will you be my girlfriend?" You always wanted this moment and here it is. "Yes! I would to" you answered back before kissing him again.


You were watching Felix while your parents went to a business dinner. You and Felix were in the kitchen baking cupcakes, when you hear a knock on the living room window. Knowing exactly who it was, you opened the window. Since your brother is 3 years old, he won't remember Raph and since he's young people will think it's an imaginary friend. After you introduced Raph to Felix, you three continued baking cupcakes. Once you put them into the oven, you and Raph put Felix to bed. You and Raph started talking, while you were making your and Felix's lunches for tomorrow. You both then headed into your room. You shut the door, just incase Felix woke up or your parents came home early. You and Raph sat on your bed, when all of a sudden Raph kissed you. You kissed back with even more passion. This lead into a very very heated makeout session, until your lungs got in the way needing air. You both were gasping for air, and panting heavily. Then words you thought would never come out from Raph's mouth did. "I love you Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" You were shocked. You always wanted this to happen but you thought you weren't enough for him, but apparently he thinks you're enough. "Yes Raphael, I will be your girlfriend" you said before you two started kissing again.


You and Donnie were in his lab working on the battle shell. "Hey Y/N, can you pass me the blow torch and the face shield please?"Don asked. "Sure thing Don, one sec!" you replied. You have been crushing on Donnie for a while now, April and Mikey knew, but that was pretty much it. You handed him the things he asked for and he said thank you and so on. You guys finally decided to take a break for lunch around 3. In the kitchen, you grabbed chinese noodles and Donnie grabbed a slice of cheese pizza. You brought the both of you waters, and headed back to the lab to finish eating and talk about plans. When you guys were done, Donnie stood up and walked over to you. He pulled a chair up beside you and grabbed your chin. You looked into eachothers eyes before kissing. The kiss was sweet, gentle, and full of passion and love. Once you both broke apart, you looked into eachothers eyes smiling. Then he finally popped the question, "Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" You've been waiting and dreaming for this moment, and it's right here before you. "Yes Donatello, I will" you couldn't pass up this opportunity you've been dreaming and wanting for months. You both then started kissing again. Once you got home, you told April all about how Donnie became your boyfriend, and how you kissed.


 You were at the lair. You and Mikey have been hanging out all day playing video games and reading comics. But that was all you two were doing. And, you were getting pretty bored, and secretly enough, so was Mikey. Now you have had a crush on Mikey for the longest time but you weren't ready yet because you didn't know if he liked you the same way. But he did. Now you and Mikey were headed to his room. You couldn't handle it anymore you needed to like him know that you were sure enough bored. As soon as you walked in, you made a loud sigh. "ughhhhh......" you sighed. "You bored dudette" Mikey replied to your sigh. " i'm not bored, IM REALLY BORED" you said kinda loudly. "chill y/n i'm sure we can find some thing to do" Mikey said trying to help you, until he got an idea he always wanted to do. " hey y/n i have a game we can play it's one that i always wanted to try and all you need is two players,check, um a place to sit, check, and a player to sit and a player to stand, check. Now i heard that this game is very trendy. Here sit on my bed with your eyes closed!" Mikey said very proudly and excitedly. "okay????" you said unsure of what's about to happen, but did as you were told. There was pause after you closed your eyes, but that didn't last long when Mikey's lips hit yours. Your eyes widened but then you melted into the kiss. Your little game turned into a 7- 10 minute make out session. All of a sudden, Mikey's tongue asked for entranced, but to his surprise you denied. But that for sure wasn't stopping him. His hand found his way to your lower back, and you felt him squeeze your butt with both hands on both sides. When he did that you gasped letting his tongue enter. After another 10 minutes you guys parted for air. "Mikey I didn't know you could do that?" you said a bit surprised. " Well you see y/n you never asked!" he said happily. After that, You two have been dating ever since. 

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