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You went out to get groceries for your mom. After grabbing everything on the list and paying for it, you made your way home. On your way home, you decided to take the longer route. On the long route, you have to go through several alley ways. You walked into the fifth alley, and suddenly felt a presence with you. You decided to stop and put the groceries in your bag. Once zipped up, you ran as fast as you could but it was no use. You were surrounded by Foot ninja's. You heard a voice that you recognized. It was Karai's. Her sinister laugh filled the alley. Once she was in gaze you tried to go at her, but the ninja's pulled you back. You felt a needle prick into your neck before everything turned black.

------ 1 hour later------

Your eyes fluttered open. Your head felt like a million pounds. Your mouth felt dry and also like something was in it. You were gagged. You got up and try to run to the door but couldn't. You were in chains. Your hands were chained together behind your back, while your legs were chained separately. You were helpless. You don't know where you are, or why your in a dirty white gown. You prayed that Leo would come to your rescue. You saw your cage door open, only for it to reveal Shredder. You were terrified. You didn't know what he wanted or what he was gonna to do, but you did know that it has something to do with Leo. Foot ninja's slipped pass Shredder and came towards you. You struggled to move away but nothing worked. Shredder pressed a button on his gwallet. It electrocuted you. You screamed in pain until it stopped. You couldn't move. You were frozen in place. They unhooked the chains from the wall and dragged you out. They dragged you until they made it to a door with the words, Baxter Stockman. Your eyes widened, but still your body couldn't move. They opened the door and removed your chains, only to strap you to a metal table. They tortured you until you bled. Before all the lights went out all you could think was:

'I love you Leonardo'

----- 2 hours later-----

You awoke back in your cell, beaten and battered. You were back to how you originally started, in chains. Shredder came back into your cell. You were scared that he came for round 2, but instead he was telling you why you're here. "Ah, Leonardo's little bird. Too bad he went against me because I'll have to kill his bride sooner or later." You were so scared you started to cry. Leo told you once how Shredder try to manipulate him to be apart of the foot and how they were the good guys, and how Shredder said that he'll get him back. Well I guess he's getting him back by killing who he loves. You. Once Shredder left, you cried yourself to sleep only hoping that Leo will save you.

To be continued.....

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