When he proposes- Donatello

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Today was the day. Today was your 18th birthday. The year where you become an adult and move out. But I think a certain turtle also has a new meaning for this day. You were woken up at 9am by your loving Aunt April. She prepared for you to have breakfast in bed. The tray held pancakes, bananas in yogurt, strawberry and banana smoothie, and a glass vase with lilies. There was a note tied to the lilies. 

'Dear Y/N,

Happy birthday to my love. Can't wait to spend the day with you! Go to the bathroom and put on everything I prepared for you. Love you my dove - Donnie'

You had a bright smile on your face after reading the note. After breakfast you ran straight to what Donnie got you.




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After getting ready, you walked out of the bathroom and into the living room to open your gifts from April and Casey. You got: Lush gift basket, lavender headphones, furry lavender purse/backpack, and a Mazda that was parked outside. 

You drove your Mazda to the Lair with April and Casey. Parked it in the garage of the turtles Lair. When you got to the Lair, you had a surprise party with the guys, Splinter, April, Angel, Casey, the Professor (junkyard and space), and Vern. From the party you received: a sketch book (Mikey), a Japanese crafted robe (Splinter), coloured pencils (Angel), a Stitch bobble head for a car (Raph), old Japanese tea cups (Leo), and new parts (Professor).

 You said your Thank you's and said you were going to look for Donnie. But, Mikey stopped you. "NO! Umm.... I mean he's not here he's at Central park." This confused you. "Why is he out?" You knew they were hiding something so you ran to the elevator and to your car. Leo ran after you and gave you a note. 

'Dear love,

Sorry I wasn't at the party. Met me at Central park right now for your surprise. Don't worry I didn't forget it's just all apart of my plan. Love- Donnie'

You almost broke the speed limit on your way to Central park. You parked your car before rushing to the middle of Central park. It was pitch black, so you knew he would be there. "Donnie! Hi, you better have a good excuse for wasting my new cars gas." He only chuckled. This made you crack a smile. "Anyway, Y/N, these past 2 years with you were my best and I want it to stay that way." You were confused until you saw him go down on one knee. He opened a purple velvet box for it to open it to a ring. Tears of joy were spilling out of your eyes. "Oh Donnie" You said in a teary voice. "Y/N L/N, my dove, will you marry me?" You knew your answer since you met him. You could form words so you just nodded. He slipped it on your finger before you guys connected in a passionate kiss. You guys drove back to April's apartment to celebrate and have a little fun. Just the two of you.

'Officially, best birthday ever!'

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