(Suggestion) Fights and forgiveness- Bayverse turtles x reader

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This story was suggested by arleny0510

By the way I'm open to any and all suggestions you guys have just comment or reach out just like she did and I'll try my best to make it to your liking

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By the way I'm open to any and all suggestions you guys have just comment or reach out just like she did and I'll try my best to make it to your liking.

So terms:

(Y/t)= your turtle

Back to our regular program!


You're heading over to the Lair today to have movie night. You, April, Casey, Splinter, and the guys, sometimes Vern, watch a movie at the Lair every Wednesday and Saturday. Today, you got to pick the movie. You brought the movie Jumanji (the original version). You walked into the opening of the Lair entrance, only to hear a heated fight between the guys. Your boyfriend, (Y/T), is shouting the most in this fight. I mean you were very shocked to see them all yelling, threatening, and physically beating up each other. After 10 more minutes of this, Master Splinter told them to go to their rooms before coming out for movie night. They all walked away beaten and battered. Leo had a broken nose, Raph had a twisted ankle and a finger flipped the wrong way, Donnie had a black eye, and Mikey had a bloody nose and a busted lip. They were in better shape when they finished off the Shredder. Trust me they've been better. 

You walked into your turtle boyfriends room only to see him thrashing it. Socks, parts, sheets, books, weapons, ninja stars, were being thrown until he had nothing left to through. He started slowly banging his head in the wall. You touched his shoulder only for him to twist your arm, flipping you over, and wrap his other arm around your neck choking you. You couldn't breathe. You were changing colour. You kneed him in the dick before running out of the Lair crying.

You ran and ran. Your eyes were blurry with tears. Your faces was wet and stained from your crying. You had no idea where you were going but you knew that you weren't going back. You ran home and bawled. You cried yourself to sleep.

------ With your turtle lover-----

'What have I done!!!!' was all (Y/T) could think about. He was so overwhelmed that he cried himself to sleep holding a picture of you and him on your first date.

------ The next morning------

You woke up to the sound of knocking on your window. Knowing who it was you started to cry but still ignored it. Knock after knock, your cries came down harder and harder. Suddenly, you heard the window open. You knew he somehow unlocked it from the outside. 'Well they don't call him a ninja for nothing' was all you could think of. He grabbed your shoulder gently to turn you around to face him. When he saw your tear-stained face with fresh tears coming down, his heart shattered into a trillion, maybe even more, pieces. "Listen, Y/N, I'm so sorry about everything, that you had to walk in and see me like that and that I almost killed you. I understand if you don't want to see me again but I felt like I needed to see you to apologize." What he said made your heart melt. "Oh (Y/T), It's okay but next time don't be so violent." He chuckled a bit before giving you a sweet kiss. "You know I love you right?","Oh don't worry (Y/T), I know but do you wanna know a secret." You got up on your toes. You grabbed the ends of his mask to pull his head down only for you to say:

"I love you too"


Thanks again to @arleny0510,see you guys next time!

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