When he thinks you're hot- Raphael

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You were getting ready for your practice tonight. You had 8 dances this year. 2 solos, 2 duets, 1 trio, 1 large group, and 2 small groups. You wore a tight black fitted sports bra with tight black lululemon pants. You put your hair into a high ponytail. You packed your bag with shoes, water, a sweater, your phone, and snacks. You heard a knock on your bedroom window, you knew exactly who it was. Raph. Tonight, he was your ride. You drew back the curtains and unlocked the window. You let him in. He loved the way you looked in that outfit. He couldn't stop himself from drooling and grinning like an idiot. Lucky for him, you didn't notice because you were telling Felix that Raph was here. Felix started to adore Raph, and would get super excited about seeing him. You came back with Felix in your arms, and that's when Raph losted it. His kissed you so roughly and passionately. Felix was in between you both, he hugged the both of you during the kiss. You two broke apart after 20 seconds. "You look hot chica, I can't have all those boys at dance seeing this. This is only mine, got it?" Raph said while wrapping his arms around your waist. You giggled a little bit at his actions. "Yes sure, Mr.Selfish sir" you replied, which Raph and you just smirked at. You went to dance, you always brought Felix with you because no one is home. You and Felix waved goodbye to Raph before he left.

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