When he thinks you're hot- Donatello

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You and Donnie were in his lab, conversing about the invention you two are going to build. You drew out this idea of building a lair 2000 (otherwise known as a Google home). You brought it up to Donnie today, explaining what it can do. Donnie fell in love with the idea, and started working on ways to program it. You wrote algorithms and programed the lair 2000. You were so focused in your work, you didn't notice Donnie staring at you in pure amazement and love. He honestly thought it was hot that you were smarter than him. The way you have natural beauty, makes him go completely gaga. He always thought your focused face was cute, and sometimes he thought it was hot. Well, today was one of those days. Once you were mid way done, you decided to take a break. You turned the chair around, only to have Donnie's lips crash onto yours. You melted into the kiss naturally. After about 2 minutes you both parted for air. "Donnie, wow...." was all you could say at the moment. "Is this my reward for coming up with the idea or?" you were confused on why such a random kiss, not that you didn't enjoy it though. "Well you see, sweetheart, you look cute and sometimes hot when you concentrate. I just couldn't resist!" Donnie said, he made the last part sound like what he just said was something obvious. You just sat there, your cheeks turned blush pink. Donnie just said you were cute and hot. You started to blush at the comment. You stood up and gave Donnie a quick before saying "you look sexy too when you concentrate," you said this with a little smirk. Donnie and you just ended up making out again, before getting back to work.

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