How you meet- Michelangelo

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You and your three other sisters are from Japan. Your father Hamato Yoshi and your mother Tan-Shang, were killed by the Shredder. You four live with the ancient one, otherwise known as your grandfather. You have met the turtles before when they came to Japan when they and you were 3 years old. You guys haven't seen each other since. You all still have photos of you guys with them. You do miss Mikey the most, he's always had a wild imagination. One day, Leonardo came to visit the ancient one for training. Your sister Leila, started dating Leo. You always asked Leo how Mikey was doing. Not long after Leo left, the ninja tribunal called the four turtles to train to fight the demon shredder. The turtles and Splinter have been staying with you guys since. You and Mikey would hang out and chill. Once they had to leave, he gave you a shell cell and his phone number. You punched his number into your contacts and you guys started texting. After 3 months of texting, you flew to New York were a man in a trench coat, aka Mikey, picked you up and took you to the lair. You guys hanged out for 2 months, until you decided to move to New York. Your sisters a couple months later, moved in with you. You four visit the lair every night. *that's where it ends for this chapter i'm sorry it's short, just didn't want to get too ahead*

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