When you think he's hot- All

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Leo was meditating. You always thought that when he was meditating, that he looked hot. You were leaning against the door frame of the dojo. He sat up against the japanese blossom tree, in the middle of the room. You were just smiling to yourself while watching him. Little did you know, he knew you were there the entire time. He honestly thought it was funny how you would daze off when watching him. You walk closer to him until you get 10 cm apart. You squat down, looking at how relax he is. All of a sudden, Leo grabs your face and starts making out with you. You two ending up in a 6 minute makeout session, until you were interrupted by the youngest turtle himself. Mikey. "AHHHHHH......LEO IS EATING Y/N'S FACE!!!!" You and Leo giggled and went back to your business. *cough* makeout *cough*.


Raph was in the dojo doing his daily workout. 500 push ups, 100 crunches, 800 punches, 800 kicks, 100 back and front flips, and 500 bench presses. When you walked in he was at push up number 80. You both said hi before he went back to his push ups. You always thought he looked hot when his muscles flexed and deflexed. He overall was a good looking dude, but when he worked out it was like the icing on the cake. You climbed on top of his shell when he was doing his 100 push up. He all of a sudden grabbed you and put you underneath him. Everytime he would go down, he would kiss you. You sat with him throughout the rest of his work out session, kinda like his little cheerleader.


You and Donnie were in his lab. You guys were coming up with a new batch of an antidote for your friends in the underground city. Originally, there wasn't enough for everyone, so you both have to make more. Donnie had his tongue sticking out again, which you think is cute. But, you always thought the way he concentrated and how smart he was, was hot. You always fell in love with nerds, so it's no surprise that you love Donatello. "DONE!!" Donnie yelled. You giggled a little, which made him smirk and blush a taint pink. You got out of your seat and walked over to him. You grab the vile from his hands, and set it in it's holder. You look back up at him and kiss him. You guys end up having a full makeout session for 8 minutes, new record for you guys. You were both kissing with so much passion it was almost rough. All of sudden, you guys heard a camera flash. You both turn around to find that Master Splinter took the photo. He was giggling like an idiot. "Aw..this will fit perfect in my photo album of Donatello" Master Splinter said, making you and Donnie both blush like idiots.


You and Mikey were in your's and Mikey's bedroom. You were both just looking through Mikey's comic books. He was explaining to you each one and what they were about. You liked comics. Specifically the Batman comics. Anyways, he was on Justice Force #289. You guys obviously went back and forth, sharing your comic collections. You were on The Joker comics: the three Jokers. After a while, you started to see the stars light up in Mikey's eyes. You thought it was adorable. All of sudden, Donnie told Mikey it was time for training. You followed them to the dojo. (Btw, you guys live at the lair.) You thought that Mikey looked hot when he was training. He had the skills, muscles, and good looks, I mean who would wanna look away. You were dazed watching him the whole training session. When training was over, you and Mikey went to his room to have a very heated makeout session.

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