When he proposes- Leonardo

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It was Christmas morning. All the turtles, Master Splinter, April, and Casey, gathered around the tree to open their gifts. You got Mikey GTA, Donnie new parts, Raph tickets to a wrestling match, April a Lush gift basket, Casey a new hockey stick, Master Splinter candles, and Leo a Japanese history book. From April you received a Lush gift basket. From Mikey and Raph you received cherry blossom hair accessories. From Donnie you received a watch he made. From Master Splinter you received a Japanese crafted robe. And lastly from Casey you received blue beats headphones. Leo said that his gift for you was the last one to open. Everyone said their thank you's before Donnie reminded Leo of the surprise for you, your gift.

Leo grabbed your hand and pulled you gently to the centre of the room. Everyone set their gaze on the couple situated in the middle of the Lair. " Y/N, these past 2 years we spent together was the best I've ever had in my life, and I want this journey to never end. So you leave me no choice but to ask." Leo got down on one knee and you started crying tears of joy. "Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest turtle alive and marry me?" You didn't even have to think about it. You knew your answer. "Y-yes!" You nodded before you and Leo's lips met in a passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and congratulated you on your engagement. This truly was the best Christmas ever.

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