How you meet- Donatello

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You just got off your flight to Manhattan,New York. Your aunt April and her boyfriend Casey, were waiting for you once you arrived. You ran into April's arms, you haven't seen her since your parents funeral last year. She is your godmother, so legally you have to move in with her. Before moving in, you lived with Grandma O'neil, before she was put into the old folks home. You and Casey have met before so you guys just nodded to each other. Casey took your bags, and you guys walked to the car. Once at her apartment, you settled into your new room. You painted your walls a light grey, with an marble accent wall behind your queen sized bed. You have a white bookshelf  beside your window. Your white desk, is beside the bookshelf, it has a gold round mirror above it. You laid out all your stationery supplies on the desk, before putting your clothes into your closet. After 3 more hours of decorating, you went to catch up with April and Casey. At around 8:30 pm you decided to get ready for bed. You heard voices coming from you aunt's shop downstairs. You snuck out of your room and headed to the living room. You started to slowly walk down the spiral stairs, until someone grabbed you by your shirt. The person walked the rest of the way down, still with you in it's hold. It finally put you down, you saw it was a turtle with a red mask around its eyes. "Raph leave her be, she's my niece" you heard your aunt say. You were confused on how they are turtles, and how April knows them. All of a sudden, a purple masked turtle offered you his hand, which you accepted. April introduced you to everyone, and you introduced yourself too. You guys headed up stairs and talked for a while. Donnie gave you a shell cell with all their numbers on it. You honestly thought he was cute. You guys honestly got close in those 2 hours they were there. After they left you went back to bed, dreaming about Donnie all night.

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