When you get jealous-All

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Leo has been acting strange every since the guys went on a foot mission. And that was 3 and a half weeks ago. You had no idea why Leo was acting strange, but you sure wanted to find out. He avoided your offers to have date nights or hangout, and he always left when he thought everyone was asleep. The worst part is that when you would ask him or the guys they just ignored it. Tonight was when one of your worst fears come true. You followed Leo at 2am. He went topsided and went all the the way to 4th street. He stopped at a rooftop and just waited there. You hid behind an air conditioning unit. You heard Leo and another voice talking. It sounded like a girl! You peeked up a little to see Karai. Karai and you have been in the same school since kindergarten. Your eyes welled with tears and you ran off. Leo noticed you and started running after you. You ran and ran until you reached your grandparents house. You knocked on the door and they let you in. You cried yourself to sleep, until you heard a knock on the guest bedroom window. Low and behold Leo was on the other side. Leo saw your tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. He realized he made a mistake. "Y/N i'm so sorry, it's not what it looks like"Leo tried to reason but you cut him off. "Oh so you with a good for nothing girl that I've known my whole life, you and her together, that was nothing, oh then tell me what I missed." You said not believing Leo for one second. "Y/N she's my sister, she is working undercover to give us information on Shredder is all, I get it your mad but your mad for all the wrong reasons" Leo said clearly after hearing all the venom in your words. He could tell you were jealous. Your face softened after hearing Leo's reason. You felt so stupid. You turned around, your back facing Leo. You whispered a quick 'I'm sorry'. "Aw was my little princess jelly" Leo cooed seeing how embarrassed you were. "Maybe" you said. Leo turned you around and gave you a quick kiss before laying in bed with you for the rest of the night.


You and the guys were setting up a Christmas party. After all the decorations were up, the guest came over. Of course, the guys invited the ninja tribunal team for the party. You were honestly pretty jealous about how Raph and Joy were so close. Her and Raph never separated for the whole party. You were so jealous that you actually started crying. You went topside and sat on a roof. You dangled your feet over the edge. You occasionally saw couples walk by, and it would make your heart ache. After about 30 minutes, you felt another presents with you. You turned around and saw Raphael in the flesh. "Look Y/N, come back to the party, Joy and I are just friends, we've never been a thing and never will be, okay?" Raph tried you bring you back to the party but all you did was sit and look down. "Y/N L/N, you come with me before I get really mad, I love you too much to dump you or cheat on you, so come on" Raph words made you smile. You jumped up and kissed him. You guys walked back to the lair to finish up the party.


You, your aunt April, her boyfriend Casey, and the guys, decided to go to Casey's grandmother's farm. After spending one week there, Master Splinter sent the guys on a camping trip to take their mind off their last show down with the Shredder. They didn't go far, it was about a 15 minute drive away from the farm. They were only spending one night, so it wasn't like you weren't gonna see Donnie for a week. Today you went to pick up the guys from their camping trip. You noticed something was off with Donnie. You looked out the window to see that Donnie wasn't coming to the van. Instead he was picking something up. The whole drive Donnie didn't talk. He just kept his gaze towards the inside of his bag or the window. Once you guys got back to the farm house, Donnie didn't say a word, he just went to yours and his room. You were starting to get worried. What happened to him last night? was all you could think about. You were so worried, you started to ask the guys. After a while, Mikey finally spoke up and told you the story of how they met this girl Jhanna, and how her and Donnie became friends and basically the whole story leaving no details out. You felt this bitter and ugly feeling in the pit of your gut. You ran to the room you and Donnie shared, completely forgetting that he was in there. When you saw him holding the hair Jhanna gave him, you immediately broke all the walls you built up down and started crying. Donnie was surprised to see you, he didn't hear you enter. He was even more shocked when he saw that you were crying. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Donnie asked in a worried tone, he didn't know what happened or why you're upset. "Oh like you don't know, just go back to petting your new girlfriends hair" The venom in your words utterly shocked Donatello. That's when it hit him that the guys told you about Jhanna and that you caught him petting her hair. "Y/N it's not what it looks like, I'm only upset that she left because I never got to thank her for what she did for me and my brothers, that's all" He tried reasoning but you just kept your head down. "I.. I'm sorry Donnie, I guess Mikey didn't explain the story as accurate as I hoped, will you forgive me" your tear stained face was now filled with hope instead of angry and hurt. "It's okay, and of course I forgive you silly, what kind of turtle or boyfriend would I be if I didn't forgive you for a misunderstanding." You were over the moon that he forgave you. "Oh Donnie what would my life be like without you" you said before kissing him. Your kissed ending up turning into make up sex after but I'm pretty sure you can imagine that part for yourselves.


You woke up today in a cheerful and chirpy mood. You got dressed and ran out of your room. You ate breakfast with your sisters. All was going perfect, until you reached Mikey's room in the lair. You caught him talking to Rennet on his space helmet. Your heart dropped down to the pit of your stomach. You didn't know what else to do except cry. That's all you did. Cry. You didn't make a sound, you just cried. "Um... Mikey there's a cute girl standing behind you" Rennet was pointing behind him. Mikey was confused so he turned around. Once his gaze landed on you, he immediately saw your tear stained face. He felt terrible. "I'm sorry Rennet but that's my one and only girlfriend, don't call unless it's an emergency. Bye" Mikey turned off the helmet. This shocked you. After Mikey calms you down, he told you what happened and you guys cuddled and watched Wreck it Ralph for the rest of the day.

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