When he thinks you're hot- Leonardo

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You were going to your school's semi formal. You were getting dressed in the lair. You bought a beautiful ombre dress that went to your knees. The dress starts with a light blue then fades into a sparkly dark blue. You bought gorgeous navy blue, closed toe heels. Your hair was in a curled and styled into half up, half down. You put on natural makeup, with a nude lip. Once you thought you were ready, you opened the door only to find Leo with his jaw dropped. 'oh my god she's hot!' Leo thought to himself while looking at you. He gave you that gorgeous grin, that you absolutely loved. "Hey Leo, do you think this will be good enough for the semi formal?" you asked nervous if you either overdressed or underdressed. "Y/N you look beautiful, how about you stay here at the lair and we can have our own fun?" Leo winked at you while saying this, wrapping his arms around your waist. You did want to stay with him, but you really didn't want to miss your first semi formal, especially since it took your mom 7 late shifts just to pay for the ticket. "I'm sorry Leo, I really would stay but my mom worked too hard, and for me to just throw away the ticket would be selfish and wrong." I explained to him, trying to be as nice as possible about it. "Yeah I wouldn't want you to do that either, here let me escort you to the dance at least?" he said while giving you a little kiss. You agreed and went to the dance. After 3 hours, you texted Leo, he drove you home and gave you a goodbye kiss. It was more of a goodbye make-out session, but we'll go with kiss for now.

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