How you meet- Raphael

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You were just walking out of the dance studio. You had about a 15 minute walk to get to your house. You stopped by the Silly Yak on your way home, bad idea. The minute you walked out, you were pulled into an alley. You were pushed against a wall, with a knife against your throat. You opened eyes only to see Hun and his Purple dragons nabbed you. You struggled against their hold but they decided to tie you up. You started screaming for help. That's when a dark figure appeared, he kicked, punched, pushed, threw, anything you could imagine, he did. Finally, all the Purple dragons, including Hun, were knocked out cold. The figure came up to you and untied you, that's when you realized he was a turtle. You didn't scream or run, you just said "Thank you, i'm Y/N, what's your name." He was puzzled by your action. He thought you would scream, run, hit him, call him a freak, but you didn't do any of those things, you just thanked him and asked for his name. " Um... you're welcome, i'm Raphael but feel free to call me Raph" he said. He thought you were pretty cool. You guys got talking for a while, until he checked the time on what he calls a shell cell. "Oh jeez, didn't notice the time, um here's my number if you wanna hang sometime. Bye Chica!" he handed you a piece of paper and he was off. You smiled and watch him jump roof to roof until you couldn't see him anymore. You walked back home, with no further issues. Once you opened the door, your younger brother Felix ran and hugged you. He always did this when you came home, he adored you. You looked up to see your parents, they started to bombard you with questions like "where were you?","why are late?", sort of questions. You told them that you stopped at the Silly Yak for a snack and saw a friend and lost track of time. You lied to them of course, you told Raph you wouldn't sell him out. Before you got ready for bed, you punched Raph's number into your contacts and went to sleep.

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