𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗼

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𝗔𝘀 Cassie opened her eyes she noticed that she was in a very dark room without any windows or lights. She tried to lift her arms to rub her eyes but couldn't because her arms were strapped down. She looked down and noticed that she had straps around her legs and one around her middle as well. She gulped. Wherever she was she needed to get out.

"So, you've finally wakened." A man said from the shadows, he had a strong accent though Cassie wasn't sure what the accent was yet.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly with fear.

"Ah ah ah! I will be doing the talking." The man tells her, opening a file. "Cassandra 'Cassie' Sophia Rogers, last name more commonly known as Carter. You are ten years old ah, born on the 13th of September 1945. You have Super Soldier Serum running through your blood because of your father. How handy." The man looked up from the file and smirked at her. "And to answer your question, we are Hydra."

Cassie stared at the man in horror and shock.

"But-but-but...HYDRA was wiped out. Ten years ago, by Captain America he died to got rid of them." Cassie protested.

"Well, he died for nothing. HYDRA is never ending. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." The man grinned maniacally, turning to the guards. "Bring her to the lab."

The one of the men held Cassie down, while the other unstrapped her, getting rid of the chance of her running, not that she'd get far. They took hold of her arms in a vice like grip, dragging her out of the room and down a corridor, only to bring her into a semi-light room and strapping her to a table. The guards walked towards to door, standing there in silence.

"Ah, welcome to my lab." A man in a white coat walked in, holding another file. "I'm Dr Soviak."

The doctor grinned, showing off his buck teeth. He was quite a young doctor although he didn't look it. He flipped through the file quickly, stopping here and there to read something.

"So, today I will be injecting you with something called Thermoregulation Serum. Along with-" The man who woke her up interrupted the doctor.

"She doesn't need to know our plans with her, idiot!" The man interrupts.

"Right, right. I'll start the preparation." Dr Soviak rushed around the lab, gathering a few things such as cotton wool and two syringes, one filled with a blue colour, the other silvery-grey.

The doctor dabbed a cold liquid onto Cassie's right arm and injected the silver liquid. A burning tingle ran throughout Cassie's body and she winced ever so slightly. The doctor nodded in approval at something before binding the place where he stuck the needle.

He rubbed the same liquid on her right arm before picking up the blue liquid, walking towards her. Cassie squirmed, scared of what might happen after this. The doctor pushed the needle into her arm and she felt a sudden cold burning go throughout her body. It was like a cold fire has been set inside of her.

She let out a yelp as it spread quickly, burning her insides. The doctors face lit up.

"What do you feel?" He asked, excitedly.

"It burns! Ow it hurts, make it stop!" Cassie cried out.

"That was the body heat serum was it not?" The mystery man made his way closer to the Doctor and Cassie.

"Yes, She should be all set to go into the Cryo-generators in about half an hour." Dr Selvig told him.

"Good. After she's been in there for a while we can wake her at the same time as the asset. Then he can train her." The man told the doctor and re nodded.


Howard paced back and forth in front of his wife who was sitting on Cassie's bed. Last night he had received a call from one of Peggy's neighbours that the house had been broken into. They had no idea where Peggy was or when she was coming back but she still hadn't arrived home yet. But the reason wasn't because of the break in, no. It was because after that phone call he and Maria had rushed over to see if Cassie was ok only to find her gone and her bedroom to be covered in broken glass.

"Where is she? Who could've taken her? How did this even happen? Why wasn't Peggy home to look after her child? Why didn't we take Cassie back to our place? What if she's hurt? What if she's dead?! What if-" Maria cut her boyfriend off mid rant.

"Calm down Howard. I'm sure she's not dead. As for where she is or who took her you know that we don't know. We've got the police looking for her, that's about as much as we can do. Now can you please sit down all the pacing is making me dizzy." Maria exclaimed and Howard sat down, only to spring back up to continue his pacing a couple of seconds later.

"I know we've got the police searching but I can't help but think this is my fault. We should've taken her home with us last night to look after her. What with who her father is as well won't help. And-" The door opened to reveal Peggy.

"What on earth is going on?" Peggy asked, surveying the glass covered floor and the extremely stressed out Howard.

"Where the hell have you been?" Howard asked sternly pointing his finger at Peggy.

"I spent the night with Daniel, what happened here?" Peggy gestured to the floor.

"Your daughter has been kidnapped by who knows and we've been up all night trying to contact you and you didn't pick up!" Howard exclaims, running his fingers through his hair once again.

"Wait hold on. Cassie's been taken?" Peggy asked looking to a tired, stern looking Maria who had red puffy eyes, signalling that she had been crying.

"Yes!" Howard said hysterically. "And what about yesterday?"

"What about it?" Peggy asked confused.

"It was her tenth birthday, Peggy." Maria told her calmly, standing up and making her way to stand next to Howard, resting her hand on his shoulder, hoping to calm him down.

"Oh god." Peggy stumbled slightly. "Oh god! I completely missed it."

She made her way over to Cassie's bed and sat down slowly.

"I'm such a terrible mother!" Tears started escaping her eyes and she looked up at Howard and Maria. "I just find it so hard to be around her. She-shes just so much like S-Steve. She looks and acts just like him."

Maria exchanges a look with Howard before sitting down next to Peggy and rubbing a hand up and down her back.

"I've been so selfish that she grew up with her mother." Peggy sobbed. "A-and what if we never find her?! What am I going to do then?"

Howard sighed. "Look, we've got police out looking for her I'm sure she'll come back."

"But what if she doesn't? What if the last thing I said to her was we're taking the car you can walk?!" Peggy wailed, getting an alarmed look from Howard who had never seen Peggy act like this.

"I'm sure we'll find her." Maria said, patting her back.

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