𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗻

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"𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 are not many people who can sneak up on me." Loki turned to Cassie who was standing outside the glass cage.

"I'm guessing I'm not one of them then." Cassie replies sarcastically.

"I presume you're here to try to wheedle my fantastic plan out of me, are you?" Loki smirked.

"Nope." Cassie said casually, taking Loki by surprise.

"What do you mean 'no'?" He asked, slightly confused.

"I'm not here to, what did you call it? Ah yes, 'Wheedle' out your plan." Cassie shrugged as Loki looked at her, a disbelieving expression creeping across his face.

"I don't believe you." Loki said.

"You're the god of lies are you not? Can you not tell when I am lying?" Cassie asked sceptically.

Loki frowned slightly. He watched her face and realised that she was partly telling the truth. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Which part of that is the truth?" He asked.

Cassie sighed and looking down at her hands. "The truth is I was sent to investigate you but I'm not going to. Not in the usual way anyway. I know that it would have absolutely no affect whatsoever. Although I would still like to know what you've done with Agent Barton." She explained. "I just want to have a calm conversation without anyone yelling, does that sound ok?"

Loki looked at her in surprise. He frowned, but nodded slowly.

"Is it alright if I ask a few questions? Either way, I'll ask them anyway." Cassie sat down on the chair near the glass. Loki nodded, still in shock that she was treating him mostly normally. "What's it like on Asgard? I mean to say, how do you feel when you're there?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Loki says simply.

"I mean, does it feel like home? Do you feel comfortable there, and safe?" Cassie asked.

Loki thought for a minute before answering. "Sometimes it does, mostly when I'm with my mother, Frigga. Or when I'm sitting in front of the fire in the library. Sometimes I feel like I'm just not wanted there and I don't belong."

Cassie nodded. "How do you feel around Thor? Does he make you feel safe?"

"Well, I've always felt overshadowed by Thor. My father prefers him. You see, I'm adopted. Odin took me from a place called Jotunheim as a peace offering to stop the war. Frost Giants are despised on Asgard and he feels I'm a disgrace to the royal family." Cassie frowned.

"That's terrible. At least you still have your mother by your side though." Cassie smiled slightly. "May I ask, though, why would people hate frost giants?"

Loki chuckled darkly. "Frost Giants are evil creatures. They seek only for power, destruction and death." Loki started to have a slight blue tinge about his skin and his eyes started to turn red but he stopped before he turned entirely blue. "People see them as monsters and in some way, we are. I know I am." Cassie shook her head.

"No. You're not." Loki looked up at her. "You are not a monster. They might be, I don't know, but you are not. You are a misunderstood person who only wants to make people proud because he got very little praise as a child. You are not a monster, ok? Sure you've made som huge huge mistakes but I understand why you did." Cassie finished, standing close to the glass and looking up at the gods blue eyes.

Cassie frowned a little as Loki's eyes flickered slightly from blue to green.

"You know what? I'm going to be your friend." Loki looked slightly taken aback.


"Not buts. I'm your friend, wether you like it or not, deal with it." Cassie smirked at him. "Now, unfortunately I'm going to have to go back upstairs to a probably angry boss that I didn't exactly follow orders."

Cassie turned when she arrived at the door and stalked back. She looked at Loki and smirked. She summoned a bit of her strength and tried doing the spell she had been working on. Suddenly a book appeared in her hands and Loki stared in wonder.

"I thought you might get a little bored. Don't let the camera see it and don't tell anyone I can do it." Cassie whispered before slipping it discretely into the panel that was made for food.

"How did you do that?!" Loki asked, taking the book and casting an illusion over it to make it only visible to himself.

"I was taken by an organisation when I was young, they injected me with a few serums and apparently I'm able to conjure things out of midair. I'm trusting you to keep this a secret. Oh and I'm sending someone else in to do the interrogation. I don't feel like interrogating my new friend." Cassie turned and walked out, leaving a shocked and slightly in awe Loki.


As Cassie entered the conference room everyone turned to look at her, she made her way to the table and took a drink out of a full bottle of water, ignoring everyone's stares.

"Has Dr Banner had any luck in finding the location of the tesseract?" She asked the room, turning around only to find everyone watching her. "What?"

"The interrogation went as planned huh?" Tony asked, incredulously.

Cassie rolled her eyes and ignored the question. "Thor?" She turned to the god. "What colour are his eyes?"

"Uh, green. Why?" He asked and Cassie frowned.

"Do you think it's a possibility that he's being, I don't know, possessed or something? Because if you look carefully..." Cassie walked down the steps to a computer, the person in the chair instantly moved out of her way, and she pulled up a photo of a bit of footage and zoomed in. "His eyes are bright blue. And I mean bright blue. Not green."

Thor and everyone else looked over her shoulder.

"I still think he's batty." Bruce said making everyone turn to him. "What?"


[ A/N : What do you think? Please leave constructive criticism in the comments, I really want to improve. Maybe not too mean but let me know how you feel with the flow of the book. It would be really helpful. Anyway, enjoy the next chapter when it comes!

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