𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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𝗧𝘄𝗼 weeks later, Cassie was making her way through the halls of SHIELD's new headquarters. She was on her way to a mission debriefing. She had finished another successfully and had a flash drive to hand it in to Fury.

As she drew closer to the office door she heard a raised voice. Cassie hesitates slightly before knocking. The room inside grew quiet and she heard Fury calling for her to come in. She opened the door and marched over to the desk.

"The flash drive I received from my last mission." Cassie said, placing it down on the desk.

She glanced at the man next to her, saw that it was her father and quickly looked away.

"Captain Rogers." She nods at him and he nods back.

"Agent Carter."

Nick looked between the two, looking amused. It was the weirdest father-daughter relationship he had ever seen and he'd seen a few. He was surprised at first when he found out that Cassie had not told the Captain of their relation.

"Thank you, Agent." He nodded at Cassie and she gave him a tight lipped smile in return.

"I have an appointment to get to do I'll see you tomorrow." Cassie told him and left the office hurriedly.

Steve frowned. "Is she always like that?"

"Like what?" The Director asked.

"That formal and reserved?" He asked. "And why do you have a sixteen-"

"She's seventeen now." Fury cut in.

"A seventeen year old as an agent? Do her parents even approve?"

"She doesn't really have parents." Fury partially lied. "Her mother in is a care home and her father doesn't know she exists."


Cassie entered the building, her heart racing. You would think that since she could kill someone and not even bat an eyelid that this would be a piece of cake. She approached the reception desk.

"Hello, How may I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"Uh, I called yesterday? My name is Cassie Carter." Cassie told her.

"Ah yes. Matilda will lead you to the Mrs Sousa's room." Another woman approached Cassie and lead her down a corridor.

They approached one of the rooms and Matilda stopped before opening the door.

"Just as a warning, she does have dementia so she may have relapses where she thinks you've only just arrived." Matilda said before letting Cassie into the room.

There, lying on a bed, was an old and frail Peggy Sousa nee Carter. Cassie took a deep breath before making her way over to stand next to her. Peggy turned her head and gasped.

"Cassie?" She asked.

"Hey Peggy." Said Cassie.

"How-How are you alive? Am I dreaming?" Peggy asked.

"No this is real, it's very real." Cassie sat down in the chair that was drawn.

"How-How are you alive?" Cassie thought for a moment.

"Well, it's similar to what happened with...Steve. I was frozen and then I woke up." Cassie decided to leave the HYDRA part out, she didn't want Peggy to have to keep things from Steve.

"You've met Steve?" Peggy said.

"Yeah, I met him. He doesn't know I'm related to him but...I know him. I work for SHIELD you know. One of the top ranking agents." Cassie told Peggy, slightly proud.

"I'm so sorry I neglected you." Peggy Said, tears welling up. "I left you, if I hadn't left you on your birthday you wouldn't have been taken, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I mean, I guess it's okay. I'm working on it. I just felt it was about time that I saw you, I'm sorry it took so long." Cassie said, hesitantly taking Peggy's hand. "I'm working on forgiving you."


After about two hours of catching up and Peggy telling Cassie of what she missed (that she could remember) nurse opened the door making Cassie and Peggy turn to look at it.

"There's another visitor here to see you." The woman told Peggy.

Cassie looked back at her mother and smiled slightly.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." She said, raising her eyebrows.

"You will come back won't you?" Peggy asked.

"Of course I'll come back. It probably won't be for about a week, possibly more depending on how many missions I get." Unbeknownst to Cassie or Peggy, Steve was watching their interaction from the doorway.

"Take care and don't get hurt." Peggy told her and Cassie chuckled slightly.

"I can't exactly help if I get hurt now can I?" Cassie smiled down at her. "You know, I'm glad I finally got around to coming here."

"I am too. Now go, you need to rest up that hip." Cassie smiled and shook her head.

"I'll see you soon." Cassie turned and took in as sharp breath as she saw Steve standing there, looking quite awkward. "Captain Rogers." Cassie immediately switched to her work face.

"Cassie, I didn't know you would be here." Steve said and Cassie nodded her head slightly.

"I'll see you at work." And with that, Cassie flashed a quick smile at Peggy and left the room.

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