𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲

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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲, 𝗖𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗮𝗺 made their way through Shield headquarters, keeping to the shadows and places where they wouldn't be seen. Cassie lead them around the building, she knew the place like the back of her hand.

They approached a door and Cassie stopped in front of it, turning to the two boys.

"This is a room where you'll be able to speak to the entire building. Good luck." She turned and started walking away.

"Your not going to help?" Steve whisper called after her and she looks over her shoulder.

"I'll help you when you need it. Right now you can manage without me. Besides, I have somewhere I need to be and someone's ass that needs kicking." Without further explanation she turned and walked away.


As Cassie got closer to her destination she heard the comms crackle to life. The corners of her mouth twitched up slightly as Steve did his speech. She wondered if he had been preparing it the entire way there or if it just came to him.

Cassie made her way outside the base just as a Helicopter landed and Nick climbed out, his arm in a sling. She nodded to him and he nodded back, making his way over to her before entering the building dramatically. Looking towards Alexander Pierce. Cassie rolled her eyes behind his back but followed him inside.

They both walked into the room where Natasha was typing on one of the screens, uncovering all of Hydra and Shields secrets. Men with guns were lying on the floor, Natasha having knocked them out.

"Nick, I hope you got my flowers." Pierce said, jokingly before turning his gaze to look at Cassie instead. "Ah, I've heard all about you. Second best assassin Hydra ever had. Trained by the Winter Soldier himself."

Cassie glowered at the man. Suddenly her comm crackled and Sam's voice came through.

"I'm grounded. The Winter Soldiers here. Cassie, think you can help?" Cassie raised get hand toward her ear to answer.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." Cassie exchanged a look with Nick who nodded silently, gesturing for her to go.

Cassie sprinted out of the room with one last glare towards Pierce. She ran around the outside, arriving at the take off point. She looked up at the sky and noticed the Helicarrier was already high up in the sky. She looked around and took notice of a deserted Quinjet. She ran towards it, taking off in it, trying to get to the Helicarrier in time.

When she got close enough she landed the jet on the room of the carrier, running the best she could across something that was so far from the ground. She slipped inside one of the vents, sliding inside and falling through the air. She noticed Steve and Bucky having a slight staring competition.

When she got close enough she reached out her hands and grabbed onto the railing of the bridge, swinging herself over. Both men were now looking at her as her knees wobbled slightly and she puffed.

"Just...gimme a second." She puffed out, holding onto her side, surprised that her stitches hadn't ripped.

"Where were you?" Steve asked quietly.

"I was on the other side of the building! I ran all the way around the base to get here, your lucky I'm still able to stand. And that my stitches didn't tear." Cassie exclaimed, slightly annoyed.

Steve looked slightly worried but Cassie stood up straight immediately, remembering why they were there. Steve turned to Bucky who was watching the two of this silently.

"People are gonna die Buck." Steve said.

Bucky made no signs of moving.

"James." Bucky's eyes moved to her.

Steve grew impatient and decided to, stupidly, throw his shield at Bucky's face.

"Rogers!" Cassie cried out exasperatedly as Bucky went into full on attack mode.

Steve managed to move Bucky slightly so that he had access to the place where they kept the cards that would take the Helicarriers down. As Steve was waiting for the correct panel to come down where he can slot it in, Bucky stood, dragging Steve away.

Cassie made a move to grab the card that had flown away from Steve's reach but Bucky moved, blocking her path.

"Please don't make me fight you." Cassie said, looking at him sadly.

Steve managed to flip Bucky onto his back by coming up behind him. As Bucky slid down a ramp that lead down to the lower levels he grabbed the card in his hand, dropping onto the ground below. Steve followed, jumping off the edge and landing on his feet.

Then ensued a fight with Steve pushing Bucky's face at an odd angle and telling him to let go and Bucky passing out. Cassie motioned for Steve to throw her the card. He did and she caught it perfectly. But when she was just about to plant to card in the holder she heard a shot and turned around quickly to make sure that Steve wasn't vitally injured.

That ended up with her getting a bullet through her stomach. She gasped as it tore a hole and her other stitches opened up.

"Cassie, Steve, you have five seconds to plug that chip in before it's too late." Cassie pulled in a painful breath.

"I got it." 

She pulled herself up with a big effort, took a quick glance at Bucky and Steve who were fighting once more and plugged the card in at the last minute.

"Okay, now get out of there." Maria's voice sounded over the comms.

Cassie looked over the edge again and shook her head.

"Just set the guns. We're not getting out." Cassie said quietly.

"But Cassie-"

"Just do it, Maria!" Cassie tried walking to the lower level but her legs were weak, yet again from the blood loss. She stumbled and fell when the Helicarrier shook.

Pieces of it started falling and crumbling away, down into the water below them. Steve was currently pulling Bucky out from underneath a part of the carrier that had broken and fallen on him. Cassie watched as they fought and as Steve fell into the water.

"Steve!" She called out, trying to stand but failing.

Bucky turned to look at her as blood seeped through her newly made suit. He looked at her for a moment before they both heard the sound of glass cracking. He lunged forward to try and catch her before she fell but it was too late. Cassie plummeted through the air, pieces of the Helicarrier surrounding her as she crashed into the water.

She took one last breath before she was submerged and everything went black.

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