𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

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"𝗛𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗲."

Cassie looked up from the ground.

"He looked right at me and didn't even recognise me." Cassie looked back down feeling slightly guilty.

The four of them were sitting in a Shield or, actually, Hydra truck. Their hands cuffed and two guards looking over them to make sure they don't do anything.

"It isn't your fault, Steve." Sam tried to comfort his friend.

Cassie looked down at her handcuffs. Ever since they had been stuffed in the black truck she had been subtly working on getting her hands free and she very nearly was. Sam looked over at Natasha and noticed her billet wound was oozing.

"Hey if we don't put any pressure in that thing she's gonna bleed out."

Cassie finally broke out and walked the agent closest to her in the stomach, winding him. She then grabbed his taser and used it on him, knocking him unconscious. Steve, Sam and Natasha looked at her in surprise. She shrugged and the agent furthest from her started trying to pull off her helmet.

"Ugh, it's stuck." They exclaimed and Cassie stepped over the unconscious agent to help pull it off. Sitting there was Maria Hill. "That thing was squeezing my brain."

She looked around the truck at the three shocked people. She looked at Sam and back to Cassie.

"Who's this guy?" She asked.


Maria somehow managed to get all of them out of the Hydra truck and to an undercover hideout spot that they were using. As they approached Maria seemed to notice that Cassie was holding her side.

"You got shot too?" She asked and Cassie nodded.

They entered the building and Maria lead them down a corridor, a man in glasses was approaching them.

"Two bullet wounds. Agent Romanoff May have lost about a pint." Maria Said. "Don't know about Agent Carter."

"Let me take a look at them." The doctor said.

"They'll want to see him first." Maria Said and Cassie smirked slightly. "You know?"

"Level 9 clearance, Agent Hill. I know most of what goes on in Shield." Cassie told her and the two exchanged a slight smile.

Cassie turned to the doctor as they started walking. "I put pressure on the wound a while ago but that obviously wasn't enough, she's been bleeding for the past twenty minutes maybe longer."

The doctor nodded and thanked her for letting him know. They reached the end of the hall and entered a large room. Up against the wall was a hospital bed and in that bed lay Nick Fury.

"About damn time." He said looking between the four.

The doctor shepherded Natasha to a chair and sat her down as she stared at the Director in shock. He started applying pressure and checking the wound for the bullet.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver and one hell of a headache." He listed off his injuries.

"Don't forget the collapsed lung." The doctor quickly added.

"Oh let's not forget that." Cassie nodded, sending a quick smile towards the Director who quickly noticed her hand, holding her side.

Nick was quite fond of the young agent so was quick to frown at the grimace of pain that made its way onto her face.

"You need to get that checked out." He pointed out the obvious.

"Do I?" Cassie said sarcastically. "I was actually thinking I would just wait to bleed out."

A wave of dizziness suddenly came over her and she blinked. She felt the blood drip through her fingers and she looked down. The wound was actually worse than she had realised. Perhaps  fighting a Hydra agent while injured wasn't the best idea.

Drip, splat.

Nick, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Maria and the doctor looked at the floor next to Cassie. Droplets if blood kept running over Cassie's fingers. She had been bleeding for the past half an hour probably longer.

"Yeah uhh, about that. I think I'm about to pass out." And then she did.

Both Steve and Sam rushed forward to catch her before she hit the ground but Steve got there first. Natasha leapt up from the chair and Steve placed her down as the doctor rushed to stop the bleeding and stitch her up.

"How bad is it?" Natasha asked, slightly worried.

"Thankfully the bullet didn't actually lodge in her skin. It's a pretty bad graze. She'll be fine when she wakes up though, possibly a little weak at the knees at first but other than that she'll recover really quickly." The doctor said and Steve frowned.

"And why is that? She's been bleeding for the past forty to forty five minutes and you say she'll be fine?" Steve asked, looking between Nick and the Doctor.

He was also wondering about what Zola had said as well, about her being born in 1945. His frown deepened, what was she not mentioning? And why was Bucky so protective of her earlier, pushing her behind him so she wouldn't get hurt.

Steve has so many questions but now was not the time. They needed to find out what they had to do to get Hydra out of Shield. And fast.


[ A/N : Soooo??? Whatcha think? I am actually really very excited about what's happening! Today I've actually managed to write two and a half chapters which is a new record for me on this book!

Please let me know what you think in the comments, I would love some feedback ♡︎♥︎

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