𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

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It's been three years since Cassie joined SHIELD. At first Directer Fury told her that she needed training at least until she turned fourteen so that she was at a decent level. But he immediately changed his mind the second he saw her train. She went on her first SHIELD mission only a few months later and it was a complete success.

She was heartbroken when she heard about the death of Howard and Maria but got over it quickly, remembering the training she had gone through to not let emotions get the better of you. Apparently they had a son called Tony, she had yet to meet him. She also had yet to visit her mother who was apparently now in a care home. And she discovered that Betty was now happily married with three children.

In the four years of working at SHIELD Cassie had made great friends out of Natasha, Clint and Phil Coulson, although Coulson was more of a father figure.

Cassie still thought about Bucky and what had happened to him, there was even a possibility that he was still alive. She missed him greatly though and brought her compass and pictures with her everywhere. Fury, Clint and Nat had stuck to their word and not told anyone of what had happened to you and they never mentioned that you were half Rogers.


It was a bright and sunny day when a slightly agitated and very pissed off Cassie marched through SHIELD HQ and stormed into Director Fury's office, ready to yell at him.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed, making her way closer to the desk.

"Well it's a pleasure to see you too Agent Carter." He stated sarcastically.

"You dispatched a team to the Arctic Ocean in search of Captain America?" Cassie asked. "It's a waste of time. Uncle Howard told me that he searched for Captain Rogers when he found the tesseract, there was nothing there. So what exactly was the point in dispatching agents into the freezing cold on a pointless mission?"

"We found him." Fury said simply and Cassie stared at him blankly. "It appears he is alive as well. He's been perfectly preserved in ice for sixty-six years. It must've been the Super Soldier Serum in his veins that kept him alive."

Cassie stared at him for a second. "Don't tell him about me." Was all she said before leaving the room.

Later that day she was in the training room with Clint doing target practice.

"So, they've found your father who you thought was dead and you just don't want to meet him?" Clint asked.

"Yup." Cassie hit bullseye again.

"Why not?" Clint pulled back and shot his arrow, letting it land dead centre of the target.

"I grew up without him, I don't need an unknown father stepping in and messing up what I've built for myself. Plus, Phil is father figure enough, he's like the dad I never had." Cassie told him before packing up and walking out of the training room, leaving Clint to get changed.


After five years of working with SHIELD Cassie was now 15 years old and has a level 9 clearance at SHIELD. She is one of the most elite agents that work there and is proud to be so.

She was obviously too young to live on her own so she moved in with Phil, taking on the role of surrogate daughter. They were very close and Phil knew everything except the fact that she was Captain Rogers.

Talking of Steve, he came out of the ice a year ago and Cassie and made sure to hide away whenever he visited SHIELD which actually wasn't that often. Although now that he had adjusted to this timeline he may take up the job of Captain America again.

Cassie had been seeing a bit less of Clint over the past few days since he had been put on guard duty, protecting the Tesseract.

Now, let's get on with the actual story.

Cassie looked down at the man that was lying on the floor in front of her. She had been sent on a mission to gain information about something and the guy had managed to really piss her off, so she decided to take it down the rough road.

"I'm not such a weak little girl now am I?" She growled slightly.

Her phone rang.

"I'm gonna get this, but when I'm done with you you're not gonna know what hit you." She told the cowering man.

She looked down at the caller ID and picked up.

"Hi Phil, you kinda interrupted my mission here so what's up?"

"Barton's been compromised." At those three words Cassie freezes up.

"Дерьмо (shit). Um...I'll be back at HQ in about twenty minutes tops. I still gotta beat the hell outta this guy." The victim whimpers slightly.

"Ok, see you then." Cassie hangs up and turns back to the guy on the floor.

"Ok, I'm going to be kind and just knock you unconscious because I don't feel like wasting time on you." Cassie have him another punch to the face and he went limp, knocked out.


The next day Cassie arrived at the Helicarrier and made her way directly towards Nick Fury.

"Director." She greeted.

"Agent Carter." Nick replied. "Agent Coulson will be landing any second with Captain Rogers."

Cassie nodded, sighing over the fact that her work of avoiding her father for the last year was now going to be undone in seconds.

"Agent Romanoff is over there if you want to say hello, then I need you inside." The Director pointed to where Natasha was standing with a nervous looking man.

Cassie nodded her thanks before making her way towards her second best friend. Natasha turned at the sound of her footfalls and smiled slightly, opening her arms. Cassie rushed into them. It was rare for Natasha to hug anyone in public, wanting to keep her tough mask on.

"Hey you." Natasha kissed the top of Cassie's head, smiling. "How'd the mission go?"

"He called me a weak little girl. Boy did I prove him wrong." Cassie pulled back, smirking slightly as Natasha chuckled.

Cassie turned to the man standing next to them.

"Bruce Banner right?" The man nodded. "Agent Carter, nice to meet you. I've read some of your work, you're a very smart man."

Bruce smiled at the fact that she recognised him as someone other than the Hulk. Cassie turned back to Natasha.

"I gotta get inside, Fury wants me for something. Make sure to catch Phil when he gets here. He's probably swooning." Cassie smiled slightly. "I'll see you inside." Nodded at the two and made her way to the steps that lead inside.

[ A/N : We're getting into the films now! Whatcha think so far? Love it? Hate it? Not sure? I'd love to hear your opinions please, it might help me make it better. Enjoy the rest of the book if you're reading it!

I severely apologise if I get facts or lines wrong. It will happen.

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