𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅

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𝗖𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗲 squirmed in her seat. She was sitting in between Natasha and Jasper Sitwell in a car. Squished closely together. She would have been sitting where Natasha was but Natasha called 'not it' first.

"Can we move any faster? I want to get away from the slime ball as quickly as possible." Cassie said leaning forward to talk to Sam and Steve who were both sitting in the front of the car.

"We're going as fast as we can without breaking the speed limit." Steve said.

"What are you planning on doing with me?" Sitwell asked.

"Well is quite like to kick you off a building again." Cassie said, scowling at the man who cowered away as far as he could.

"We're going to Shield base, using his finger print to stop the launching of the Helicarriers." Steve said, ignoring the threat Cassie had made.

"What?! Are you crazy? You can't do tha-" an arm come through the window, pulling him out and throwing him god know where.

Cassie lowers her body slightly, looking out of the window. What she sees makes her eyes widen. What ensues after that is quite hard to describe, it all happened so fast. What Cassie did remember was that a metal arm reached through the windshield of the car and pulled the steering wheel away.

Glass rained down on them. One of the first and sharpest pieces sliced through Cassie's skin, leaving her with a cut straight through her eyebrow. Natasha quickly pulled her down so as to not get as many injuries from the glass. There was suddenly a loud thud on the roof of the car and a large dent appeared.

Steve reached around the back of the seat and pulled Natasha forward to sit on his lap, leaving Cassie huddled down trying to devise a plan where they would all get out of it alive. Steve grabbed Sam and, seemingly to have forgotten that Cassie was still in the car, pushed the car door that was next to him off its hinges. Using it as a sled.

Cassie heard the protests of Natasha that she was still in the car but it was too late. She took a deep breath and grabbed onto the seat, knowing what was about to happen before it did. She felt the car tip and somersault through the air. She heard Sam yell her name but she was too focused on what she was about to do.

Just as the car was somersaulting she opened the door and for not the first time, silently thanked Hydra for teaching her what to do in a situation like this. She leapt out of the door and tumbled through the air slightly before landing, almost on her feet, her hand landing on the floor as well, slightly grazed. As she landed she barely noticed the feeling of a bullet grazing her side. From the amount of adrenaline she had going through her veins she only felt a slight sting.

Cassie raised her head to look directly up to see Sam rubbing towards her, Steve deflecting bullets with his shield and Natasha trying to get the citizens to safety while also running for her life.

"Are you okay?!" Sam asked, slightly frantic at the possibility that his friend was possibly severely injured.

She stood up and nodded. "I'm fine are you?"

"Yeah but I'm not the one who fell out of a flipping car and then got shot." Sam exclaimed.

"Its only a graze I'll be fine. Now lets go help Steve and Natasha!" Cassie said.

"You go help Romanoff, I'll help Steve." Cassie nodded in agreement and started running, jumping off the side of the bridge and landed perfectly on the ground below.

She started towards where she saw Nat disappear behind but stopped when she saw the Winter Soldier coming towards her. He loaded a bullet into his gun and shot at her which she dodged expertly. As he got she noticed that his goggles had come off, leaving only the mask covering his face. She looked at his eyes and did a double take.

𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝Where stories live. Discover now