𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 last thing she remembered was an explosion. She remembered the sound as the rocks rained down on them as they sheltered underneath the Captains shield.

Cassie felt a weight be pressed against the top of her head and a searing pain shoot through her skull. She groaned slightly, opening her eyes a crack to meet a pair of brown ones looking down at her. Cassie blinked, making sure she saw right.

"Sam?" She croaked out.

"Hey Cass, How ya doin?" He asked, adjusting the ice pack that he was pressing against her head.

"How'd I get here?" She asked, sitting up off the sofa, where she had been lying, slightly before realising that she should probably do it slower as the room started to spin. "Last thing I remember is a load of rocks and then-"

"Relax, Rogers brought you here. Apparently a big ass piece of rock fell on your head and knocked you out." Sam told her, looking at her with concern.

"Huh, I've had crazier things happen." Cassie sat up, slowly this time. "How's Natasha and the Captain?"

"They're both fine, getting cleaned up as we speak. So...haven't seen you in a while, how's things going? Steve said that people are tryna kill you." Sam stood, pulling Cassie up and leading her into the dining room.

"Yeah, What's new?" Cassie asked, joking slightly.

Sam chuckled slightly. "I'm gonna go get the other two, I made breakfast."

Cassie stayed sitting on the couch, holding the ice pack against her still hurting head. Her phone buzzed from the back pocket of her jeans. She knew that technically you weren't supposed to take your phone anywhere when you're on the run because of the fact that people could possibly track it but Cassie had gone directly to Tony Stark after an incident after the battle of New York. He had given her a chip that you could place inside your phone that made it impossible for anyone to track.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check who had messaged her. She read the text and her face broke out into a smile.


About twenty minutes later the four of them are standing around the kitchen/dining room discussing things to do with the day before's problems and what Zola has said in his computer form.

"Who happens to be sitting on top of the biggest building in D.C?" Steve asked.

"Jasper Sitwell." Natasha said.

"The question is how do we kidnap a Shield Agent in broad daylight?" Steve asked.

"You don't." Sam answered and he dropped a file onto the table in front of Steve and Natasha.

"What's this?" Natasha asked.

"I thought you said you were a pilot?" Steve said, looking up from the folder.

"I never said pilot."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Steve asked.

"Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in." Sam answered and Cassie rolled her eyes slightly.


Cassie sat down in a seat next to Sam, holding a to-go cup of coffee.

"I haven't seen you go in our evening run in a while." Sam said and Cassie shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee before replying.

"Yeah well, I've been a bit busy. First I had four missions in the space of two days and then I find out that Director Fury died. Then we try to find out who killed him. Went to an old abandoned Shield base that also turns out that Hydra was inside of Shield all along." Sam stared at the teenager in slight shock.

"Jeez, that's a lot to go through. How you feeling about everything?" Sam asked and Cassie shrugged again.

"I feel bad for Steve, he 'died' thinking that he was getting rid of Hydra for good but all that happened was make it move to the shadows. So essentially he could have had life with Peggy." Cassie said.

"Which then would mean that you had a dad and you might not have been taken." Sam said, looking at her sideways.

Cassie shrugged. "My life is okay now though. I have you, Natasha, Clint and Nick."

"Oh yeah it's great. Apart from the fact that you are now on the run from the biggest spy organisation in the world that also happens to also be the biggest terrorist group as well." Sam said sarcastically.

Cassie rolled her eyes and chuckled slightly before quickly wiping her face of any emotion, she glanced at Sam and nodded towards the exit of the building in front of them. Sam nodded and brought out his phone.

They watched as two men left the building surrounded by bodyguards. Cassie watched them intently, listening in with her extraordinarily good hearing. The men hugged slightly and she heard one of them whisper in the bald man's ear.

"You hear what he said?" Sam asked at the grim expression on her face.

"I did." Sam gave her a questioning look and she looked around before leaning in slightly so no one would hear. "Hail Hydra." She turned and glared slightly at the man.

San nodded grimly before putting the phone up to his ear. The man, also known as Jasper Sitwell, pulled his phone out of his pocket. He waved the guards away before answering.

"Hello?" He answered.

"You're going to walk around the corner to your left where there's a car that'd love to give you a ride." Sam said.

"Who is this?" Jasper asked.

"Real handsome guy, ten o'clock." Sam said and Jasper looked the wrong way. "Other ten o'clock."

Jasper looked directly at them and Sam raised his drink in acknowledgment.

"And why would I do any of that?" Jasper asked, looking directly at Sam and Cassie.

"Because that tie looks real nice." Cassie said taking the phone away from Sam. "And I would hate to mess it up."

Jasper looked down at his tie to see a red dot from someone pointing their gun at him. He gulped. It was either do what they say or die.

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