𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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𝗧𝘄𝗼 former Shield agents got out of a car, making their way towards a jet, the younger of the two swinging a backpack over her shoulder. Standing outside the entry is a woman with red hair and green eyes.

"Took you long enough." She said.

"Well we don't exactly live closely to civilisation Natasha." The man with brown hair replies, slightly sassy.

"How've you been?" The teenager with long blond hair and green-Blue eyes asked Natasha.

"Yeah I'm good, it's been a while. I presume you've completely healed, right?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. No problems at all. Not that I expected any though." The girl, Cassie, chuckled slightly.

Just then a tall and muscly man arrives at the top of the ramp for the jet. Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America.

"Captain." Cassie nodded to him.

"We've known eachother for quite a while now, please just call me Steve." He tells her and she nods slightly. "Anyway, glad to see you made a full recovery."

"You too. You were quite the worse for ware the last time I saw you." Cassie replied, walking up the ramp so she was closer to Steve.

"Yeah, I got out of the hospital about a week after you were disposed." Steve looked down at her. "C'mon, we need to get inside the Quinjet so we can take off."

Cassie nodded and took the few extra steps so that she was completely inside. She looked around and saw the other Avengers. Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Clint and Natasha were all standing and sitting around the jet, preparing for takeoff.

Cassie sent Steve a quick smile before she went and sat down next to Natasha, starting a conversation about what they had been doing since the last time they had seen eachother.

Steve observed from afar, wondering what it was about her that reminded him of someone and who that person was. He also had a lot of questions he'd like answered.


"We're getting close to our destination, sir." Jarvis' voice sounded out around the jet.

Cassie reached her hand inside her bag and pulled out her suit. She then walked over to a corner of the Quinjet to get changed into her catsuit. Since the disaster of the Helicarriers being brought down her original suit had been destroyed by the bullet going through her stomach. About two weeks later a package had arrived in the mail for her and as it turned out Tony had taken the design and made her an updated version.

It looked exactly the same but it had a few more tricks up its sleeves. Quite literally actually. He had added knife holsters on the inside of her sleeves and all she had to do was move her arms in a particular fashion and they would slide down into her hands.

She pulled the suit up over her legs before shedding her top and bringing the top up as well. She quickly buttoned the corset up and stuffed her original outfit into her bag. She walked out of the shadows and placed her backpack down underneath her seat.

"Alright team. This is base is apparently run by Baron Von Strucker." Steve starts telling them the small amount of knowledge that they knew about the Hydra base.

The Avengers has been storming Hydra base after Hydra base for the last few months, looking for Loki's Scepter. Once Steve had finished giving pointers and who should do what, Cassie was the first one to walk out of the Quinjet and into the woods. They had parked the jet at the edge to try and keep the element of surprise.

It had been decided (however reluctant some of the team were about it) that Cassie was to sneak on ahead to check the perimeter without being seen. She ducked behind a tree and lifted her finger to her ear to activate the comms.

"Armed men, patrolling the surrounding areas. About eight but as soon as any of us do anything it'll alarm the base that we're here." Cassie whispered, there was silence on the other side of the comms. "Do you copy?"

"We copy. Take 'em out." Someone said, Cassie didn't bother to spend another second trying to decipher who it was. One second she was behind the tree the other she was knocking out the men. However she didn't get to one of them in time before he activated his walkie-talkie and alerted his base. She cartwheeled towards him, wrapping her legs around the man's neck and pulling him down, squeezing her legs together to knock him unconscious.

"Never tell her I said this but she can be scary." Someone said from the other side of the comms. Apparently the team had been watching from the jet.

"Comms are still active, Stark." Cassie said smirking. "And one of the guards managed to get a message to the base, they know we're here."

The Avengers made their way towards her, inspecting the fallen guards that lay on the ground that surrounded her.

"We gotta make our way closer to the base. Go to them before they come to us, might give us an edge." Steve said, looking around to see if any of the Hydra agents had come to them yet. "Let's get moving."

Steve swung his leg over his motorcycle and started to drive through the trees. The rest of the team followed him, either running, using a truck or - in Tony's case - flying. As they got closer soldiers started towards them.

"Banner, I think it's time for a code green." Steve said through the comms.

Seconds later there was a deafening roar and the hulk leapt through the air towards the many incoming Hydra soldiers.

"So...you think I'm scary huh?" Cassie smirked.

"Shut up."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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