𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅

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𝗔𝘀 Natasha and Clint lead Cassie outside of the dark and gloomy base into the real world it made Cassie look around her in awe. She couldn't move with the shock of the fact that she was actually outside again, free.

Clint and Natasha kept walking but quickly stopped when they realised Cassie wasn't following them. They made their way back to the twelve year old as she looked around, taking it all in. Clint stood next to her.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, slightly worried at the fact that her eyes were glazed with unshed tears.

Cassie shook her head. "I just can't believe that I'm outside. The last time I went out was in 1958." Clint and Natasha exchanged a look, clearly believing that something was wrong with her brain.

"C'mon. Let's get you on the plane." They both lead the girl towards a large quinjet, her staring with wide eyes the entire time.

𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗗 𝗛𝗤 - 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

The entire plane ride back Cassie just spent her time either staring out the window in silence, looking around at all the incredible equipment or pinching herself. There was still a part of her that thought that this was all a dream or an experiment that was making her see visions.

As the jet landed the two agents made their way out of the jet, waiting for Cassie to climb down behind them. She ended up tripping and falling head first. Both Natasha and Clint expected her to face plant and have a nasty graze on her head but to their surprise Cassie caught herself, balling herself up and instead doing a forward roll and jumping to her feet.

"Still as blooming clumsy as I used to be." Cassie mumbled to herself, slightly embarrassed that she had tripped.

She brushed herself off and stood up as straight as she could when she noticed a tall looking man making his way towards them. She narrowed her eyes and unnoticeably turned to Clint.

"Can I trust him?" She asked, clearly already trusting the man with the bow and arrow.

Clint nodded and smiled at her slightly. As the man got closer she noticed that he was wearing an eyepatch.

"Director Fury." Natasha greeted him.

"Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton." He turned to Cassie. "Who's this? You didn't specify who I was supposed to be meeting."

"Cassandra Carter, pleasure to make your acquaintance." She made the gesture for a handshake and Fury shook it.

"Did you say Carter?" He asked slightly suspicious.

"I did. And may I say that the equipment has really developed since I was last out in the open. " Cassie complimented.

"Oh yeah? And when was that?" The Directer asked.

"1958, sir." Cassie told him.

"I'd like to speak to you all in my office. Now." Cassie made sure to follow behind the three SHIELD agents.

When they were inside Fury's office he gestured for them all to sit down. The director turned to the two agents and gave them a stern look.

"Now I'd very much like to know why you two brought back an obviously brain damaged child." Cassie gritted her teeth slightly. She had been expecting this to come as soon as she had told Clint and Natasha that she was from the 1940's/50's.

"She is an excellent fighter, sir. If it hadn't been for her we wouldn't have made it out of that building in one piece." Clint told the Director.

"She clearly has a damaged brain! What the hell were you thinking?" Cassie rolled her eyes and spoke up.

"You do know I'm right here don't you?" The three adults turned to her, noticing that she was no longer sitting but looking outside the window behind Fury's chair and desk. "And if you would kindly let me explain what happened instead of immediately jumping to conclusions then that would be great." She stared at the directer with an icy air about her.

"Fine, you want to explain. Explain." Fury sat down behind his desk, glaring at the twelve year old girl.

"I'll do it on two conditions. One, what I say here never ever leaves this room. I am trusting you three with this and that is a very rare thing for me to do now." She glared at the three adults, advancing, slightly intimidatingly. "And two, after I say what I'm about to tell you then you will not put me in a laboratory to be examined and I will not have to endure any experiments and I will never be handed back to HYDRA again, at least not willingly. Do you understand?"

"Wait did you say HYDRA?" Fury asked confused.

"I said, do you understand." Cassie glared at the Director scarily.

"Yes alright, we understand. Now explain." Fury gave in.

"Fine. I'll get straight to the point. go back to the year 1955. 1945 Margaret Carter, more commonly known as Peggy, had found out she was pregnant. Pregnant with Steve Rogers child. This was only weeks after Captain Rogers had gone down in the plane, saving thousands of people. She was distraught, she didn't have the father to help her prepare and look after the baby. Obviously, nine months later her baby was born. The only man who was present was Howard Stark, a friend of hers. He had made sure to take care of her during the pregnancy.

The baby was born on the 13th of September 1945 and her name was Cassandra Carter - Rogers. Her middle name was to be picked years later by Howard when he met Maria Carbonell. Peggy never really took an interest in being the mother to a child, least of all Steve Rogers baby. She reminded her too much of her lost love. Cassandra spent most of her free time with Howard or as she like to call him, Uncle Howard, or Uncle Howie.

On her tenth birthday she, well, I spent the day, yet again, with Uncle Howard and Auntie Maria. After a fun filled day they tucked me in in my mother's house, my mother being out with her boyfriend, Daniel Sousa. In the night I woke up. There were noises, I thought it was just a standard burglary, that was until men in black uniforms came bursting through my door and widow. They knocked me out with some sort of injection and brought me to their base where they injected me with two serums, one for withstanding extreme cold until I get out of it. They put me in a unit that froze me in time. A year later they woke me up and had someone train me. I went on many a mission with and without him.

That is until they decided to move me from that particular base to the one you found me in. They put me to sleep again and I've been asleep since 1958. But just after they kidnapped me they told me something. HYDRA never died. And although there are probably bases still out there they have shrunk." Cassie finished her long story and looked Directer Fury in the eyes. "Now do you believe me? I may only look like I'm twelve and essentially I am but I've been alive for sixty-one years."

The Director nodded. "I believe you."

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