𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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[ Italics is when they are talking in Russian ]

𝗙𝗼𝗿 the next few days Howard Stark never left his lab. He barely ate and he kept himself awake, constantly wanting to be prepared in case the police called, letting him know that they had found Cassie.

Maria walked down to the lab one evening to find Howard with his head in his arms, snoring softly. She sighed and made her way over to her boyfriend, prepared to drag him out of his lab. She laid her hand on his back and he immediately sprung up.

"Have they called? Have they found her? How is she?!" Howard exclaimed tiredly rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"They haven't found her, no." Howard's shoulders slumped in disappointment. "I just thought you should go to bed. You've been awake for nearly three days now and you know Cassie wouldn't want you driving yourself crazy."

Howard nodded slightly before looking at the table where there was a miniature sized shield that looked exactly identical to Captain America's except the size.

"I was making this for her before she was taken." He picked it up and showing it to Maria. "She was always asking to hear more stories about Captain America and Sergeant Barnes. She'd look over every picture of them that she could get her hands on. You know she expressed that James was, in her words, 'Very good looking and has very cute, sparkly eyes'. I'm still unconvinced that she didn't have a slight crush on that man." Howard chuckled slightly. "She took quite a few of the pictures home with her actually."

Maria smiled as her boyfriend inspected the finished shield.

"It was going to be a late birthday present as I only got the idea that morning. I started working on it just before she arrived." Howard's eyes glistened slightly, looking up at Maria. "I can't loose her. She's like my daughter."

Maria smiled sadly. "I know, I know Howard. We'll find her."

𝟭𝟵𝟱𝟲 ~ 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

It had been one year since Cassie went missing. The police had called off the search only two days after the episode in the lab but Howard never stopped looking. He did, however, start eating and sleeping properly, knowing that Cassie wouldn't have wanted him to drive himself insane.

Peggy had gotten better, trying to block out the fact that she hadn't exactly been the perfect mother. She and Daniel got married and she was expecting again. In fact they had moved to London after the wedding, hoping to rid of the memories of losing Cassie. Everyone who knew her was sad to hear that she had gone missing, even the bullies that disliked her very much were shocked that she was gone. She was very much like her father in the fact that she never backed down from a fight and always stood up against bullies, some occasions having to go back to her Uncle Howard's and be patched up.

The person from her school who was most shocked to hear of her absence was her best friend, Betty (Betty was originally Bethany but she hated the name). She mourned for weeks on end, becoming a lot more subdued, but she kept up Cassie's job of trying to stop the bullies.

As for Cassie? She had been inside one of the Cryo-Generators, her body being preserved to stay the exact same age. That is, until the day that they decided they wanted her trained. She was taken out along with the Winter Soldier.

After they had both thawed out properly they made sure to wipe the soldiers brain in case anything had happened during the time he was frozen.

Cassie was not to withstand the memory wiper as it would most likely damage her as she's so young and only half Super Soldier. After being wiped the guards brought both the Winter Soldier and Cassie into another dark room and shoved them in, giving the Soldier instructions to train her.

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