𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

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𝗢𝗻𝗰𝗲 Cassie had arrived at her new base she was taken straight to the lab to be prepped for going back into the Cryo-Generator. She didn't make a fuss this time, not a single sound. She was still recovering over having to leave her friend. What would they do to Bucky now that he didn't need to be up and about to train her anymore? Would they torture him? Would they wipe him? Would they put him back in the Cryo-Generator like they were with her? Would they kill him? No. No he was too useful to them to kill him.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't realised that she was in the room with the freezers in. She climbed the steps up to the box and sat down on the chair, looking up as the door closed. She blinked, one more thought entering her mind before it went blank.

Please let my friend be okay.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽

Cassie felt herself wake up. She heard noises, someone bustling around. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking as she saw a dark concrete ceiling.

Damn it. Still in a HYDRA base, she thought.

"Ah, you're awake." A voice said and she turned her head to the side to try and see the owner.

She looked down at her body and noticed that she was strapped down onto a table. Great, possible experiments coming her way. Then her mind jumped to Bucky. How long had she been in the Cryo-Freeze?

Just as the Doctor, whoever he was, opened his mouth an alarm sounded and an agent ran in.

"Unstrap her!" He ordered and the doctor complied. "There's been a infiltration. SHIELD agents everywhere."

Cassie's heart leapt. SHIELD. Uncle Howard and her mother had been two of the founders of SHIELD.

"I need you to take out as many SHIELD agents as you can from the rafters, you're good with heights aren't you? It's in your file." Cassie nodded. "Here." The Agent threw her a few weapons. "Now get up there. Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra." Cassie immediately felt like retching at the words that just left her mouth, she wanted to wash her mouth around with soap.

Cassie picked up the bow and arrow first, sending a grappling arrow at the ceiling where the vents were. She pulled herself up and started making her way through them. She followed the sounds of guns firing and yells. Once she got closer she saw a figure ahead. He obviously heard her and spun around, pulling an arrow back and pointing at her.

"Who are you?" He asked a little too loudly and Cassie raised a hand to her lips.

"Shhh. I'm Cassie. Who are you?" The man lowered his weapon slightly and looked at her suspiciously.

"I'm Clint. Agent Barton. Hawkeye. Pick whichever you want. What are you doing here? You're a kid!" Clint hissed.

"Kidnapped by HYDRA. By the way, what year is it?" Cassie asked casually.

"It's 2008...why?" Clint looked confused.

"Hm, interesting. How many agents you got down there?" She gestured to the vent the Clint had been looking through.

"There's only the two of us. Which side are you on by the way?" They were acting like it was perfectly normal to be having a conversation in an air vent while there was a fight going on which it might actually be, Cassie didn't know what normal was now.

"Yours. Definitely yours. You got a grappling arrow? Could really use one just in case, dunno why there was only one in my satchel to be honest." Clint passed her one and Cassie nodded a thanks. "See you later."

And with that she crawled to the vent the was exactly in the middle of the fifth and dropped down right in the centre. The HYDRA agent closest to her looked extremely relieved that they had another person on their side. That is, of course, before she knocking him out with just one punch. She then proceeded to take on four HYDRA agents at once, knocking them all out.

Cassie noticed a red headed SHIELD agent that was struggling to take on six HYDRA agents all at once. Cassie made her way over to her and took out three of the six, leaving three for the red head to knock unconscious. The red head nodded to her in thanks and Cassie nodded back before going back to taking out HYDRA agent left right and centre.

In the end the corridor was littered with unconscious ;and a few dead) HYDRA agents. Clint dropped down from the vents and made his way over to Cassie at the same time as the red head.

"Nice one. You got some serious talent girl. How old are you? And how did you know where to aim?" He asked as the woman looked at Cassie suspiciously.

"I know how they train them here. It's all the same way. I'm lucky I was trained by the best assassin in the business." Cassie made sure to leave out her age.

"Interesting." Clint clapped a hand onto her shoulder before quickly removing it. "Jesus you're cold!"

Cassie looked down at her shoulder and noticed a bit of remaining frost.

"Oh yeah sorry I just came out of the freezer." Clint chuckled before seeing the solemn look on Cassie's face. "Wait, you're not serious are you?"

"Well yeah." Cassie said, shrugging. "Is it not normal?"

"No." The two agents said in unison.

"Oh. Well I'm Cassie." She turned to the red headed woman.

"Agent Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow." Natasha said, watching Cassie with interest. "And you answer one of Clint's questions. How aolda re you?"

"Well, I'm 12. But then again technically I'm 59." Cassie replied.

Natasha turned to Clint, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, Fury's definitely going to want to talk to her."

"You're SHIELD right?" Cassie asked them and they both nodded. "Okay. How'd you get here? I presume the technology is much better than it was in the 50's?"

Clint nodded, still in disbelief.

"Okay. Well lead the way." Cassie smirked.

"Lead the way where?" Clint asked dumbly.

"To you mode of transportation. I'm making this very easy for you, I'm coming quietly. Not only because it's easier but because if I'm stuck in a HYDRA base any longer I swear I'm going to do myself in." Cassie groaned.

Natasha smirked at Clint. "I like this one."

𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝Where stories live. Discover now