𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 next fifteen minutes included Cassie rushing around trying to get things prepared and telling agents where to go and what to do. As she had one of the highest clearance levels in Shield she had been given full permission from the director to be able to give orders and overlook things being done.

As she entered the computer room she noticed people milling around and chatting. She rolled her eyes and went over to the balcony.

"Alright, guys, I need you all to sit down in your places and start scanning the entire worlds security system for someone called Loki Odinson or Laufeyson. Also scan for Agent Clint Barton and Dr Erik Selvig. Now get to work." Cassie ordered.

"Good job. You know one day you would make an excellent leader." Fury said.

"Thank you, Nick." Cassie smiled slightly at him. "Anything else you need me to do?"

"Yeah, I need you to go get Dr Banner, Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers inside. And tell Coulson we need him on the bridge." Cassie nodded and made her way outside and towards Natasha and Bruce.

"You're gonna want to step inside in a minute. It's about to get quite hard to breathe." Natasha nodded and followed Cassie as she made her way towards Phil and a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Steve watched as the three people approached them. He frowned when he realised that one them was only a teenager. Phil turned when he saw the Steve was looking at something. He smiled when he noticed it was Cassie. Cassie gave him a tight smile, trying to ignore that her father was standing right in front of her and he didn't even know it.

"Agent Coulson, they need you on the bridge. Captain Rogers, you might want to step inside." Cassie turned and Natasha nodded in encouragement.

"What is this a submarine?" Steve asked.

"They really want me in a contained pressurised area?" Bruce asked.

The helicarrier started to lift slightly. Cassie and Natasha walked calmly inside and into the meeting room. Just in time for Fury to give the instruction to put camouflage mode on. Steve looked around him in awe, passing Director Fury a ten dollar bill.

Cassie then noticed a man playing Gallagher and made her way down to him silently, using her spy training. When she got behind him she cleared her throat loudly, making him jump and look round.

"Kindly stick to the search please." She said in a dangerously sweet voice.

She tuned made her way back up the steps, on her way back up she noticed there was a free space next to Natasha so she took it quickly. They started up a conversation that got cut off when she heard Steve say something to Nick.

"Why is there a kid here?" Steve asked the director, not as quietly as he had thought as Natasha, Phil, Bruce and Cassie all heard him.

Phil turned to him, looking to the director as if to ask permission to say something, he nodded subtly. "Who are you talking about?" Phil asked.

"You know who I'm talking about." Steve glanced at Cassie to see her with an expressionless face on. "How old is she? Twelve?"

Cassie decided to step in. "Actually, Captain, I'm fifteen. I was twelve when I started working for Shield."

"What?" Steve turned to back Fury, obviously not approving that a twelve year old had been in such a dangerous position.

"When did you start training?" Bruce asked, slightly interested in the conversational topic.

"I was taken by an organisation when I was ten." Natasha rubbed her back, knowing that she hated discussing it, especially since she couldn't exactly give all the information away since everybody thought that HYDRA was defeated. Steve looked at the two, feeling that there was more to the story than what she was telling them.

"Cassie is actually one of the best and most talented agents of SHIELD." Fury told them. "Now I would appreciate it if we could get back to the topic at hand."

There was a pause in the conversation before one of the people on the computers called out.

"He's been found! He's in Stuttgart, Germany." He called.

"Doesn't look like he's hiding either." Fury said.

Cassie looked down at one of the screens only to see a picture of Clint. She and Natasha exchanged a look. That was their best friend, the one who completed their trio. And when they saw Loki, he was going to have to face the rage of two of the best and most trained assassins in the world.


A few hours later Natasha, Cassie and Steve were in one of Shields quinjets very close to where Loki was spotted. As they arrived Natasha and Cassie noticed Loki pointing the Scepter at an old man who had decided to bravely stand against him.

"Cap." Natasha warned and Steve, noticing what was happening, jumped out of the jet, landing in front of the man with his shield up, making the bean bounce back, hitting Loki square in the chest.

Loki went flying and Cassie chuckled slightly. "That's nice to see." Natasha gave her a sceptical look. "What? He hurt one of my best friends! It's nice to have a big of revenge."

Natasha rolled her eyes but Cassie swore she saw a slight smile. She switched on the loudspeaker. "Loki, stand down." Loki looked up and sent a shot with the Scepter, Natasha swerves the quinjet out of the way just in time.

A fight then followed which included Steve getting his ass kicked a few times. Natasha smirked and turned to Cassie.

"How does it feel to see your dad in action?" Cassie mock glared at her before shrugging.

"It's...interesting I guess." The speakers then started blasting Back In Black by

"Agent Romanoff...you miss me?" Cassie looked at Nat with a questioning look while she just rolled her eyes.

"Tony Stark." Was her answer and Cassie smiled.

"It'll be interesting to meet Howard's son." Was Cassie's reply.

Cassie and Natasha looked outside again just in time to see Loki surrender.
Cassie stood as Natasha landed the quinjet, opening the entry hatchet.

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