𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 team sat around, chewing on their Shawarmas in exhaustion.

They had finished defeating Loki and the aliens about an hour ago and were now trying their hardest not to fall asleep where they sat.

Tony was staring at his plate, Bruce and Thor were both eating enthusiastically (Thor a little more than Bruce), Steve was resting his head on his fist and trying not to fall asleep and Natasha and Clint were occasionally talking in whispers. Meanwhile Cassie was staring at the wall behind Steve's head with glazed eyes, trying her hardest not to think about everything that had happened to her throughout her entire life span.

"You alright?" Cassie tore her eyes away from the wall, only to see Clint looking at her concerned.

She forced a smile and nodded, Clint saw through the fake smile and opened an arm for here to lean on him. She moved her chair closer and rested the top half of her body onto Clint, closing her eyes and yawning.

As Cassie drifted off Steve looked over, seeing Clint stroking her hair out of her face. He frowned, why was she part of a spy organisation when she was only seventeen. Why wasn't she at home with her parents or out with her friends enjoying life? And who were her parents? She said that she was taken by people because of who they were so are they alive? She also said she was related to Peggy so maybe she was her granddaughter or niece or something.

Steve blinked, realising that people were slowly getting to their feet. Clint nudged Cassie awake, making her shoot up, into a defensive position. Steve, once again, frowned. How was that healthy? Once Cassie noticed that it was just Clint she relaxed and yawned slightly.

"C'mon, firefly, let's get you to somewhere with a bed." Clint put an arm around her shoulders, leading her outside.


After a stressful week full of signing paperwork and investigations, The Avengers found themselves in the entryway of a park with Loki in chains. Cassie stood back a little as everyone said their goodbyes to Thor and sent some glared towards Loki. When it came to Cassie's turn to say goodbye all she did was nod and send a slight smile towards the Asgardians.

Everyone watched in fascination as Thor lifted his hammer, grabbing onto Loki's arm and were sucked up into a myriad of colourful lights. Cassie made her way back to Clint's car with him and Natasha, waving to some of the others. She sent a sad look in the direction of the Captain, knowing that she may see him around the new SHIELD base but most likely not.

Cassie buckled into one of the backseats of Clint's car.

"We're going to the farm right?" Cassie asked Clint and he nodded.

"Yeah, Laura will kill me if I don't finish the patio that I started." Natasha let out a small chuckle.

"You and not finishing projects properly." She said rolling her eyes and Cassie chuckled in agreement.

"I'm also long overdue to yell at Cooper. I don't want him thinking that when I'm not there he can turn my bedroom into a cave." Cassie said. "It would be risky to let him know that he can get away with things without having to go through me first."

Natasha smirked slightly and Clint shook his head slightly. He glanced back at the teenager in the back, seeing her staring out the window.

"So...how do you feel about your encounter with your dad? What do you think of him?" Clint asked and Cassie shrugged.

"I don't know to be honest. It was okay I guess and he nice. Knowing Fury I'll probably be put on a few missions with him in the future." She replied.

"Do you think you'll try and get to know him, maybe become his friend or something? Maybe tell him...ya know, that you're related?" Asked Natasha.

"Maybe get to know him, sure. I don't know about telling him just yet. I think I should visit Peggy before I make a move with becoming his friend." Cassie said frowning slightly. "It's about time I face up to my past anyway, move on."


[ A/N : And that is the end of Part One!

I'm doing this book in parts for each film (obviously I won't do every marvel film). The next one is Captain America : The Winter Soldier.

I hope you enjoy it! A lot will happen in the next book so enjoy the chaos that is Cassie.

Please leave comments on what you think and what you like/don't like about the book.

Enjoy the rest of my writing!

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