Good Times

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[Eight month time skip]

Third person P.O.V

Each day they would have the chance, Komaeda and Hinata visited each other. Usually, it would be Hajime visiting Nagito's home, since the brunette's father didn't want other people in the house most of the time. The only times he allowed it was when it was a Sunday, when sports were on t.v and he could be distracted. So today, Hajime was coming over to the other boy's house, and play in the backyard. He walked up to the door, lightly knocking it with one hand, and of course in the other he held his stuffed plushie. The door was soon opened by Nagito's quite friendly father, a smile on his face. He briefly greeted Hinata, telling him that his son was in the backyard already and waiting for him. Hajime nodded in understanding and stepped inside, quickly running to the back door of the house and opening that. 

There, he was met with a large backyard, two tall trees there with a hammock strung up there. And in one area of the wide backyard, there was a small garden of flowers of many different kinds. It was nice to look at, but Hinata couldn't focus on that for long, as he noticed that Nagito was sitting in the hammock, rocking himself there and waiting patiently. "Hey Komaeda-kun!" Hajime called, running over there and hopping onto the hammock as well. Nagito smiled brightly, giving the other a hug. "Hi Hinata-kun!" 

Today was extra-special, but Komaeda currently didn't remember, as his parents didn't remind him. But Hajime remembered, as expected of him, he put his best friend before himself a lot of the time. Maybe it was a bit unhealthy to do, but Nagito was appreciative of it. And really, Hinata couldn't be blamed for that, he was naturally just a very caring person, and he was happy to know that someone actually wanted to be friends with him. Needless to say, Nagito felt the same way. As all young friends do, they wanted to be best friends forever, as long as they lived. Just little young innocent minds thinking something like that was always possible. 

   Komaeda spoke, "Hey, Hinata-kun, I made something for you!" He smiled brightly, digging through his spring sweater with a free hand (his other holding his stuffed animal of course), pulling out something a bit small and green at first glance. Hajime narrowed his eyes in curiosity, "Huh? What is it?" Komaeda smiled brighter, responding and directing, "Hold out your hand for me!" The brunette nodded, doing as his friend said and holding out his free hand. 

Nagito put the object around Hajime's ring finger, and now the brown haired boy could really look at what it was exactly. It was a four leaf clover, made into a ring. It must've took some skill to make it, out of something so small. Plus, it was extremely lucky of Nagito to find a four leaf clover like this. Hajime smiled, happy to receive this. "Thank you, Komaeda-kun! It means a lot to me!" He hugged the other, and the light brown haired boy was happy to receive the hug, so he returned it. 

Yet again, today was a special day for Nagito. What exactly it was, it was his sixth birthday, finally. Hajime really wanted to do something special for him, since Nagito had been generous enough to celebrate his, he had to return the favor. And for Nagito, he just made him a simple breakfast. Maybe it didn't sound like much, but considering what came with this breakfast, and the fact that it was Komaeda receiving it, it was a perfect gift. What he had made for him? A couple of bagels, all of them lathered with cream cheese, of course. Nagito absolutely *loved* bagels, it was a mystery why, but he just did. Everyone who was close to him would know that. 

"Oh, Komaeda! You know what today is, rigghhht?" Hajime smiled, just too excited to give Nagito the bagels, he wanted to see his reaction. Nagito shook his head, a confused expression spread across his face. "No, I don't? What is today?" He questioned, getting just a tad bit impatient to know. Hajime smirked, digging into his oversized pocket to pull out the bag of three bagels, each of them different types, as Komaeda was anything but picky when it came to bagels. One was a plain bagel, another an everything bagel, and the last a a sesame bagel. Hinata handed the other boy the bag, and said other boy was bursting with happiness. "Today is your birthday! You stupidhead, I can't believe you forgot!" Hinata was only kidding about the last part, and Komaeda knew that. He always knew and was sure to keep in mind that Hajime was only ever joking if he said stuff like that.

Nagito opened the bag, taking out the everything bagel (they were a personal favorite), and munching into it. After swallowing what he bit, he thanked the brunette. "Thank you so much, Hinata-kun! You're so nice!" He giggled, taking another few bites out of the bagel. Hinata nodded, then shrugging his shoulders, "Eh, no problem," he chuckled. They chatted a little more while Komaeda would eat his bagels in between, savoring each of them, they tasted amazing. In fact, they were the best bagels he had ever tasted, he had to guess that Hajime made them himself. And it really just didn't sound like the brunette to have someone else do something like this for him, he was more of the independent type, as far as Komaeda knew.

They also played around a little, helping each other rock back and forth in the hammock, picking out a few flowers behind Nagito's parents' back and decorating each other with them, and chasing each other around the wide area. Those were usual things they would do, it never got boring or old. They loved each and every moment they spent with each other, and they hated whenever they had to depart, even if it were only for a few hours. It was as if nothing was fun without the other around. They wanted to be the bestest of friends forever and ever, as they worded it.

Too bad, nothing lasts forever.

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