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[a/n: finally, that one chapter where I actually include and link the song I pondered this book off of and recommend listening to on possibly a loop while reading this chapter. Finally.]

Third Person P.O.V

The bus drive took about an hour, Komaeda had fallen asleep during the ride. Although Hajime stayed wide awake, as he was just that excited to show the other what he wanted to show off. Once the bus had stopped at the destination the brunette desired, he shook the other male awake. "Komaeda-kun! Komaeda-kun! Wake up, we're finally here!" He cheered. This was most definitely the most excited he'd been for a while. He almost sounded like a cheerful and energetic child. At least, that was what it was sounding like to the white haired male. Nagito picked up the basket that held the bagels and drinks, and they left the bus right next to each other, and when they stepped out, from what Nagito could tell they had stepped off onto the sidewalk of some neighborhood. 

The pale boy's eyes were downed to a furrow. "Excuse me, Hinata-kun.. But where exactly is this?" He questioned, although he had a strong familiarization with it. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, that was going to take him a hot minute. But just about everything about the scent and the scenery gave him a heavy amount of nostalgia. Hajime sighed, "You seriously can't tell?" Komaeda shook his head, "No. Probably a symptom of my dementia, as far as I know," he muttered the last sentence to himself, not wanting to destroy the other's mood. Hinata rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm not going to spoil it, so we can walk around for a bit and you can guess from there." He took a hold of the white haired boy's hands, which caused a heat to come to his cheeks out of pure surprise. The tan male began walking down the sidewalk, Nagito following behind. The sound around them, was basically just the chirping of birds, distant joyful noises from assumable children, and a few dogs barking. To put it more simply, it sounded like just your average and every-day neighborhood, yet to Komaeda, it didn't feel so average. After a bit of walking, Hinata suddenly stopped in front of two homes. They were both owned by other people, as far as the pale boy could tell based off of the cars parked in the front and the front yard decorations. Needless to say, the decor ruined how good the homes could have looked. Although, when he would look hard enough, it would suddenly snap into his head, the exact place this was.

'Oh... Oh... OH.'

He wanted to squeal and faint out of excitement and happiness. Those homes, were in fact the ones he and Hajime lived in when they were little. Although it was quite unfortunate to see that they were owned by different people now, Komaeda was still enlightened to see them again. And it was a million times better, with the added on fact that his childhood best friend was right next to him, holding his hand. Instead of squealing and fainting, the tall boy began to softly sob; of course, not out of sadness at all. This moment was amazing. No, more than amazing, the euphoria from the current moment was almost indescribable with words. Hajime had noticed the other's happy crying, and chuckled. "Hmm, you don't like the surprise, do you?" He joked. Komaeda immediately shook his head, using his free hand that wasn't holding Hinata's, to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "No, no! I love it!" He remarked, even though he could tell that the brunette was kidding around. 

The olive eyed boy still wouldn't dare let go of his friend's hand, as he just liked the feeling. And he had to thank Atua, for the fact that Iruma wasn't there with them. If she were there, she'd be cheering about them committing hand holding, taking pictures, and sending them to her lovers and friends. Or hell, maybe even the people she absolutely despised. She'd just be that excited. Hinata hummed, trying to move from the thought. "Anyways, would you like to go inside?" He asked, a soft smile on his face. Nagito's eyebrows narrowed, "But they seem to be owned by different people now, we couldn't trespass; that's against the law, isn't it?" Hajime chuckled, "No need to worry, I had all this planned. I had a discussion with the current owners and they allowed us to go in just for a bit today." That came off as odd, it didn't sound all that likely that two different families would allow strangers to access their homes just for a simple nostalgia. But, nonetheless, he was happy with that. "I see," Komaeda smiled brightly, already walking towards the door of what used to be Hinata's house. "Yours first?" He chuckled, in a questioning tone as he wasn't sure of where the tan one was planning on going to the paler one's first instead. Although, the brunette nodded, following after him. The front door was surprisingly unlocked, although that at least made this easier. 

When stepping inside, they could hear distant voices, the only words that could be made out being "they are here". A person, who was a young lady, seemingly just a few years younger than Komaeda and Hinata, came towards them. "Me and the rest of us will just be staying in a guest room while you're here, feel free to look around as you wish, as long as you don't do anything outright dumb." And with that statement, she walked back to where she came from, presumably going over to the guest room that was mentioned. Nagito laughed softly, looking over to Hinata, who still had a grip onto his hand. Although, something he had just noticed was the clamminess and drips of seat dripping from the hand at a slow pace. Nagito's smile faded, switching to what was a frown. "You alright, Hinata-kun?" He questioned, concern trailing into his tone. Hinata decided, that it would be a bit rude of him to push it off as nothing, so he admitted to how he felt.

"It's just.. The bad memories I have here, with my parents, mostly my father. Just the pathway of the hall is giving me some flashbacks," he sighed. And Nagito could understand. He was happy to be back here with Hajime, but he wasn't fully ready to step into the home of where memories of his parents would lie like ghosts. That may even pull him down into a breakdown. If he were in the brown haired male's shoes, he would be on his knees sobbing already. No kid should have to go through the father Hajime went through, and still went through; and he certainly didn't deserve to have divorced and unhappy parents. He couldn't even imagine the idea of having parents like that, watching a broken marriage and divorce was devastating. To express his understanding, the sick male nodded, "That makes a lot of sense. I understand. Well, is there something that would make you feel better?" Although he already had a guess as to what that was, and his guess was orange juice. So, he let go of Hajime's clammy hand to reach that hand into the basket he held, going for grabbing one of the bottles that held orange juice. Although, he couldn't even take it out. 

That was because, he felt arms wrapping around his torso, and a body leaning onto his own. 

It was a hug, coming from Hajime; who else could it even be? Yet, the albino was still caught off guard. "Hinata-kun?" He hummed, putting the orange juice back into the basket. "I think this'll do for making me feel better," was all that Hajime would say, but it would come out as a muffle into Komaeda's shirt. Nagito smiled a bit, honestly glad to help; he didn't hate it at all anyways, especially when someone as scummy and low as him was being the one to comfort someone he cared for. He, a bit awkwardly, put his own arms around the sightly shorter male. After a couple of moments that felt like forever (in a good way), Komaeda spoke. "We should probably start actually looking around the place, if we stayed in the hall for too long the owners surely wouldn't be too pleased," he sighed as he let go of the brunette, to instead hold his hand once again. They began walking, but right as they had started, Hajime would speak. 

"By the way, could I have that bottle of orange juice you were trying to get a bit ago?" 

Komaeda chuckled to the randomness of the suggestion, but he nodded and did as the other had requested, handing him the bottle as the brunette would immediately begin to chug it down. "Anyways, we should get to where my room is first; I think that's probably the only part of this house I'll have fully good slice of nostalgia on," he chuckled, taking a break from his chugging of his beloved orange juice. Nagito laughed, "I suppose. Hmm, I wonder if those crayon marks you always left are still there, all those drawings of me on said walls too," he added on the tease at the end, causing Hajime to fluster. "Oh, shut up!" He huffed, a bit embarrassed by the thought, even though he knew the new owners must have layered paint on the wall drawings so they weren't there anymore. It would definitely be a huge shocker if they still were there. 

"Hm, now that I think about it, don't you also remember when you would sometimes piss the bed and feel proud about it?-"

'Huh.. He used my first name.'

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