Only Temporary Goodbyes, Hopefully

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[Nagito and Hajime are now eleven years old]

Third person P.O.V

Hinata just got back home from school, just another amazing yet bad day, the only good part about it being the fact that Nagito was there. All of the bad parts about it, was just how boring school was, and that's really it. But, he didn't know that he was going to be met with something that would ruin everything he treasured.

Once he arrived to the front of his house, he already could feel his heart drop. There was what seemed to be a moving truck parked out front, with two men heaving different furniture and boxes into said truck. The first idea that came to Hajime's mind, of course, was that him and his father were moving somewhere else, and he wasn't informed. But he didn't want to assume so early, maybe something else could be going on? Hopefully... Taking a deep breath, he ran into the house from the front door, being met with his home being almost empty. The only things around were more boxes, and Hajime's father standing there, talking to one of the men that were helping with all the furniture and boxes. He noticed his son walk into the room, then stopping the conversation with the assumed moving man to speak and explain the situation to the perplexed boy. 

"You're finally home Hajime, took you long enough," he started out with a groan, obviously disappointed with the time Hinata took to get home. Even though that time wasn't even all that long, it was just by a few minutes. Although, it was normal for Hajime's father to overreact to little things, the brown haired preteen was used to that by now. Hajime sighed, "Whatever, just please, tell me what's going on." He didn't want a miniature argument with his father at the moment, he just wanted to find out what was going on and why. It was now his father's turn to sigh, crossing his arms. He replied, "We're moving, I've found a different school program that I think would be better for you, and there's also a very 'special' experiment that is going on, I think you would be the perfect volunteer, so I've already gotten you signed up." And there, the brunette was at a loss for words. He genuinely didn't know how to respond, he had so many questions, yet he didn't know which ones to ask first. What kind of experiment was it? Why did they have to leave so suddenly? Why hadn't Hajime been informed before now? Why would his father already sign the young brunette up for some mysterious experiment, without asking for his thoughts? This was too much, all at once.

He finally gathered up some words, "I... I.. Dad, why? Why didn't you.. tell me?" His sentences were quite broken, he couldn't help but take pauses in between his sentences. His father rolled his eyes, "Because, I know you would be defensive about it and deny, even though it is a better choice for you. Stop overreacting, and let me explain what the experiment is, I'm sure you'll be invested." So with that, he explained what this experiment was, but Hajime was already sure he wouldn't be interested in it. "You have said yourself to be boring and plain before, and other things like useless, and don't try to deny that. I know that for a fact," Hajime's dad began, continuing before the young brown haired boy could comment, "This would give you many, possibly even all, talents, and it would basically make you a perfect human being. That sounds amazing, right?" 

Hinata had to admit, he slightly liked the idea of that, becoming the perfect human being. But that was nothing better than what he had as he stayed here. He had a best friend, one he had had for over four years. A friend that actually cared about him. That sounded a hundred times better than becoming something 'better', away from the person he cared for the most. So he had to try his best to turn it down, and convince his father to let the both of them stay here, although that may be arduous to accomplish. He would still try his best, even then. He spoke, after gathering his thoughts and words, "One, anything I may have said about myself was just me being a typical preteen, who says stupid things like that a lot. Mood swings, that's all it is, I don't ever actually mean it! Two, I have more special things here, I have Komaeda-kun-" but he was interrupted right there, by a irritated groan. 

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