Hajime Working at McDonald's

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[a/n: why not write just this,,, extra chapter. It's kinda short and it has nothing to do with a plot, kinda just writing it to try to be funny. Just Hajime's job in this story I guess. All the DR himbos are working in this because I said so. Enjoy.]

Third person P.O.V

Hajime sighed, pushing into the McDonald's he worked at. It wasn't particularly busy at all, especially at this time of day. But there still were a few people. And of course, there were Hinata's co-workers. Celestia Ludenberg, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Kaito Momota, Kazuichi Souda, Miu Iruma, K1-B0 (Kiibo), and finally his manager, Maki Harukawa. The manager was always pissy; even with her girlfriend Kaede Akamatsu, who only sometimes came over for food. Well, then she wasn't really pissy. She was more of what would be called a tsundere, but she always ended up giving Akamatsu free fries. But oh, if someone gave a customer an accidental free chicken nuggie, she'd cause a hellstorm. Yes, Hinata was still frustrated with that. 

None of them were happy with working there, except Kaito. He had this crush on the manager and that was quite literally the only thing keeping him there. Even though, there was just about no chance of it happening. Kaito was surely persistent. 

So what was Hinata's full view on working here? Well, it was a hellhole, and he found just about nothing to enjoy out of it. The only think he enjoyed was Iruma's company; she was somewhat tolerable and was coming to be a friend. That was all that he could even mildly find a good place out of working at a McDonald's with a devilish manager. The rest? Nothing too good. You'd think that you would be able to get some free food from the place since you're working there, dealing with other peoples' shit, while getting paid such a minimum wage, but in reality? No. All you get is a dollar-and-a-half off coupon. A *coupon*. The manager was greedy for absolutely no reason; she'd never pass on a free meal unless it was for her girlfriend. She put no consideration into the people under her. There really was nothing else to say about the job, that was about it. There was always going to be a wrongfully frustrated customer or two, that brought their anger out on Hajime even though he was trying his very best. And most of the time it was over the stupidest things. 

Example, there was a time Hajime accidentally gave a customer who ordered a medium fry a large fry, because he mistyped. The person got a large fry for the price of medium fries, they got *extra fries from McDonald's*, and they yelled at Hajime for ten minutes straight for it. Most people who give a limb to have that luck of getting a bigger size of fry. Sure, if the brunette gave the person a small fry it would have been an actual issue and it would be fully understandable to at least get a bit mad. But it was a larger size. These kinds of people were ones that everyone working at McDonald's had to work with, some outrages coming out worse than others. 

Anyways, turning back to the present; everyone except Kaito and Souda were working today. Hinata wasn't sure why, but they were kind-of friends, so he could only guess they were off doing something dumb with each other. Maybe Kaito was helping the pink-haired shark stalk Sonia. 

Hajime walked down to where he stood, next to a window for drive thru. He handed people their bags of food, and their cups of soda, but he also helped in sorting out the food for people, since Ludenberg, the person who was supposed to be doing it, never 'felt like it'. This was surely some rub-off attitude that came from her husband. She felt too privileged to actually do her job properly. And no one else was going to take her place while working, Hajime was basically forced to. In between this, he got to talk with Miu. And thank goodness she was working here today. 

Iruma noticed Hajime walk over, and she grinned. "Heyyy Hinata! How ya doinn!" She greeted, walking over to him to wrap a friendly arm around him. She was always so friendly to the brunette. One of the only three people she was nice to and open towards. The only other two people she was open with were the two people she was in a romantic relationship with; yes, she was in a polyamorous relationship. The two were Shuichi Saihara and Kirumi Tojo. Two childhood friends of hers, that came to grow so close that she got in a relationship with both of them, while they also dated each other. The strawberry blonde was far from unhappy with what she had with the two.  

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